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Communication Folder, 3/28/2016

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:


☐  1. Communication Folder Signature Page

☐  2. April 2016 Calendar

☐  3. Scholarship and Citizenship Weekly Report (Yellow Paper)


Parent surveys were distributed during conferences. This survey, which is in a green envelope, provides you with the opportunity to share important information about how Unity can improve your child’s education.  Please complete and mail the survey using the postage-paid, addressed envelope provided with the survey.


Week At Glance

Tuesday, March 29th @ 4:15-5:15pm: Math Tutoring

Wednesday, March 30th: IEP Meetings

Thursday, March 31st @ 4:15-5:15pm: Math Tutoring

Thursday, March 31st, 6-8pm: Unity Open House

Friday, April 1st @ 5:00pm:  2016-2017 Applications Due

Friday, April 1st @ 6:30pm: Boys Basketball City Semi-Finals

Saturday, April 2nd @ 2:30pm: Boys Basketball City Finals

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