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Roundtable Presentations

Every June, Unity students present their “Roundtable” in an individual, hour-long session devoted to demonstrating mastery of specific academic content from the year through the examination of major pieces of work in their courses. Roundtables provide an opportunity for students to present examples of their class work as well as written reflections on this work to a panel of adults, including their parent(s)/ guardian(s), their advisor, and other school and community members. During the year and during the lead up to Roundtables, students compile and record artifacts of their learning within their learning portfolios. Based on a set of established criteria, the advisor and the other attendant Unity staff members decide whether the student passes her or his Roundtable. Students who do not complete preparation for their Roundtables in time or who fail their Roundtable mustre-present over the summer. If a student fails the Roundtable this second time, he or she will not be promoted to the next grade.