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The Unity Scoop – May 7

Dear Families of Unity,

It has been a festive past few days in our celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week!  Thank you all for joining the festivities and sharing your appreciation.  Unity is fortunate, and takes the utmost pride, in having a teaching team that is as talented and dedicated as we do.

In so many ways, teachers make the world go round!  We are incredibly grateful to our team!

Wishing you a very happy Mother’s Day!


In unity,


Josh Beauregard
Head of School / Co-founder


Updates as of May 7, 2021:

  1. New –College Information for Students and Families of Unity High School: See the updates below from our College & Career Readiness Team!


  1. New –AP Dance Students Launch Hip-Hop Magazine: Unity’s 8th graders who are now taking AP Dance with Ms. McRae recently launched their very own hip-hop magazine, VIBE U.N.I.T.Y.  This magazine is a culmination of the students’ intensive study of the history of hip-hop and its many facets, including DJing, MCing, graffiti art, and breakdancing. Check out Volume I here!  And thanks to Ms. McRae for creating this experience for our students!


  1. Recap – See Our Students Shine in Unity’s Middle School’s Spring Showcase!: We thank all of our students who participated in our Spring Showcase – the talents developed this year at Unity are mighty impressive!  For those who are not able to tune into yesterday’s premiere, here is the footage.  Enjoy!
  1. Recap– Unity Celebrates the Recent Accomplishments of its Middle School Students: It is with pride and joy that we celebrate the recent successes of so many of our middle school students this  from the past month.  Congratulations to each and every student featured below – we are proud of you!
6th Grade Week of April 12th Week of April 19th
Student of the Week: P.E. (Coleman) Thionry S Abilene B
Student of the Week: Dance (McRae) Nina P
Student of the Week: Enrichment (Stevenson) Gabriel G Lailah A
Student of the Week: Math (Shah-Taylor) Elizabeth P Dacota P
Student of the Week: Math (Gibson) Jeremiah D Jewel B
Student of the Week: ELA (Springer) Emma C. Nyah-Simone R
Student of the Week: ELA (Anderson) Sheiny A
Student of the Week: Science (LaPlaca) Lailah A Jayda W
Student of the Week: Science (Diaz) Safiyyah Q Jermiah R
7th Grade
Student of the Week: P.E. (Coleman) James M Jaiden C
Student of the Week: Dance (McRae) Jerafrica T
Student of the Week: Enrichment (Warlick) Kester F Francis A
Student of the Week: Math (Louirentus) Jazel J Charmaine J
Student of the Week: Math (Shaw) Jabari B Allizson Z
Student of the Week: ELA (Stagliano) Julissa G Jeshaun E
Student of the Week: ELA (Ayoub) Adam M Mckenzie L
Student of the Week: ELA (Knuckle) Zyaire P Savion R
Student of the Week: Science (McPherson) Damani G Jazel J
Student of the Week: Science (Teixeira) Adriana P Ibrahima B
Student of the Week: History (Canady) Rhondell H
Student of the Week: History (Pierce) Yashim J Derrick J
8th Grade
Student of the Week: Enrichment (Warlick) Kalel E
Student of the Week: P.E. (Coleman) Rowmar W Isabell C
Student of the Week: Pre-AP Enrichment (McRae) Shaila G
Student of the Week: Dance (McRae) Shyanne T
Student of the Week: Math (Saint-Louis) Junaydah H Natalie D
Student of the Week: Math (Devieux) Izalaya G Ahkeelah W
Student of the Week: Math (Shebroe) Bryan M Kyamalit G-G
Student of the Week: ELA (Bourdierd) Sokona G Triniti L-M
Student of the Week: ELA (Driscoll) Shantana S Isabell C
Student of the Week: ELA (Gillies) Jahtia N Priscilla G
Student of the Week: History (Griffin) Priscilla G Nathan R
Student of the Week: History (Pierce) Muhammed Q Shyanne T
Student of the Week: Science (Bond) Jayden D Natalie D
Student of the Week: Science (Teixeira) Ajani D Shamira A
Student of the Week: Science (McPherson) Amaya T Shaila G
Intervention Awards (Malinowski) Meleik M


  1. Recap– Attention All 7th Grade Students!  Consider Taking A Regents Course This Coming Year as an 8th Grader!  Ms. Shebroe and Ms. McPherson invite all 7th grade students to consider applying to take a Regents course next year at Unity as an 8th grader.  Watch this very fun clip featuring Ms. McPherson to learn more about the benefits of taking a Regents course and how to apply.


  1. Recap –Issue No. 6 of the Unity Review is Available for your Reading Pleasure!: I am excited to share with you the sixth issue of the Unity Review literary magazine.  The Unity Review team continues to work incredibly hard to bring to you the ideas and talents of our young writers and artists.  This edition’s theme is Race and Racism and includes a number of powerful submissions created by our students and staff.  Enjoy!


  1. Recap –Newly Released State and City Graduation Data Highlights the Accomplishments of Unity’s Founding Class!: Graduation statistics from June 2020 for the state and city were recently made public.  In comparison, significantly more Unity students from our founding class graduated in four years compared to both the state average and NYCDOE schools.  Unity’s graduation rate of 98% was 13 percentage points higher than the state average and 19 percentage points higher than the city average (see the table below).  In addition, our graduation rate was in line with – or sometimes higher than – the graduation rates of the vast majority of the city’s well-established charter schools and selective public high schools. As a relatively new, open-enrollment, mom & pop, community charter school, we are honored to serve all students and have much to be proud of!
  2. Recap –College Information for Students and Families of Unity: See the updates below from our College & Career Readiness Team!


  1. Recap –Working Papers for HS Students During Remote Learning: We know many students will be applying for the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) or Ladders For Leaders in the coming weeks.  In order to do so, students may wish to obtain their working papers.  The process for obtaining working papers during remote learning is as follows:
  2. Parent/guardian completes section I of this form: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT17-0320Fillable.pdf

(Form can be typed directly into and saved.)

  1. Email the form to Ms. Kim:ykim@unityprep.org.
  2. Ms. Kim must also see the student’s birth certificate and a completed physical from the student’s doctor dated within one year OR a letter from the doctor stating the student is physically fit to work also dated within one year.  These documents can be emailed toykim@unityprep.org OR a Zoom call can be scheduled where the documents can be presented.
  3. After these steps are complete, the working papers will be mailed to your home.

If there are any questions about this process, please email Ms. Kim at ykim@unityprep.org.


Relevant Information from Past Editions of The Scoop:

Requests for a Laptop and Support with Technology or Internet Access: Unity will provide a laptop to all students who need one.  If you still need a Unity laptop OR do not have internet access at home, please complete the following form: https://bit.ly/Unitylaptops.  After completing this form, somebody from the school will reach out to you. Our goal is for 100% of students to have access to the technology they need to fully engage in their studies.


Creating the Perfect Workspace for your Child at Home: Virtual learning can be challenging, but with a welcoming, comfortable learning environment, students are more likely to engage fully in their studies without distraction. Here are three simple best practices to turn a corner of your home into a workspace:

For additional tips on making an ideal, remote workspace for your child, check out this guide and these suggestions.


Free Breakfast & Lunch are available for Students – Any student has access to free meals a day at more than 400 Meal Hubs across the city.  More details, including a search tool, is available by clicking here.


Helpful Guidance on Obtaining the Perfect Book for Your Child – With the Unity Library closed for the time being, our public libraries in Brooklyn offer a vast majority of their books and resources online.  Additionally, many private companies are stepping up and offering their services for free.  Check out this helpful guide to gain access to ebooks or audiobooks from the Brooklyn Public Library.  In addition, see the list of resources below:


Resources Regarding Unemployment Due to COVID-19 – NYC has developed a list of resources for those who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 or are seeking additional assistance. The website will be updated frequently and includes information on employment/unemployment, food assistance, financial assistance, rent arrears, health and medical assistance, and so forth.


Income Inquiry & Housing Status Form!  We are asking for your help by completing the questions on the form below so we can best assist you and your family during this school year. Your participation in completing this form allows Unity to receive grant money from the state and federal government. The information will be kept confidential.

The Unity Scoop – March 26

Dear Families of Unity,

I hope that the recent stint of spring weather has you feeling healthy, energized, and optimistic!

This past week was fun and festive for our community.  We continued celebrating Women’s History Month, engaged as a full community in our Unity Arts & Athletics programming, and took pride in recognizing the achievements of our recent graduation rates from last spring.  Each of these are showcased below.

Believe it or not, we’ve now finished six full, glorious weeks of school since the February week and have reached spring break.  I applaud our staff, students, and families in making the most of our learning time together.  I wish our entire community a restful and rejuvenating spring break in the coming week.

I look forward to reuniting on Monday, April 5th!


Best Regards,


Josh Beauregard
Head of School / Co-founder


Updates as of March 26, 2021:

1. New – Newly Released State and City Graduation Data Highlights the Accomplishments of Unity’s Founding Class!: Graduation statistics from June 2020 for the state and city were recently made public.  In comparison, significantly more Unity students from our founding class graduated in four years compared to both the state average and NYCDOE schools.  Unity’s graduation rate of 98% was 13 percentage points higher than the state average and 19 percentage points higher than the city average (see the table below).  In addition, our graduation rate was in line with – or sometimes higher than – the graduation rates of the vast majority of the city’s well-established charter schools and selective public high schools. As a relatively new, open-enrollment, mom & pop, community charter school, we are honored to serve all students and have much to be proud of!

2. New – Congratulations to our Honor Roll Students!: We recently celebrated all students who earned Honor Roll status for Trimester 2 at our middle school and Semester 1 at our high school.  Congratulations to the many students who are listed – be proud of your accomplishments!  We look forward to celebrating your continued academic prowess this spring and to adding more to this list!

Middle School High Honor Roll



Abilene B.


Jayden C.


Yendi K.


Mackensly L.


Kaylese’Simone N.


Elizabeth P.


Dacota P.


Nyah-Simone R.


Thionry S.


Joshua V.


Lanae W.


Emma C.


Dorian H.


Rhondell H.


Jazel J.


Charmaine J.


Michayla P.


Jaelyn W.


Sajjadul M.


Aniyah A.


Isabell C.


Shaila G.


Nathan R.


Nataliya M.


Connor S.



Middle School Honor Roll



Troy B.


Jacob C.


Sydney D.


Carina D.


Gabriel G.


Zaiden M.


Jayla’rae M.


Tygene W.


Jahlil B.


Sani D.


Mekaliah D.


Jeshaun E.


Kester F.


Julissa G.


Omari H.


Zaquon L.


Mi-Chai L.


Mckenzie L.


James M.


Keianna M.


Elijah M.


Savion R.


Donovan T.


Dmiyah W.


Triniece B.


Meleik M.


Adriana P.


Jade B.


Mohagany B.


Ajani D.


Sokona G.


Junaydah H.


Jasmine J.


Celine P.


Jayde S.


Jamal S.


Shyanne T.


Amaya T.


Jalicia W.


Nakayla B.



High School Principal’s List



Isarina C.


Dymandjie L.


Melani P.


Ashlee D.


Nylah W.


Aisha B.


Brian F.


Cierra N.


Jasmin Q.


Jennifer S.


Jessie V.


Kalisa K.


Katana K.


Malika S.


Samija T.


Sincere B.


Alicia G.


Aniyah L.


Elena M.


Genesis O.


Grace O.


Ja’Don R.


Jaemiah W.


Jemuel B.


Joelle W.


Jordie W.


Kayla T.


Kayla F.


Moshawn B.


Nayeli M.


Roshawana S.



High School High Honor Roll



Ashley E.


Elijah O.


Jaheem A.


Jahqui Jahvon T.


Jamari E.


Janniah R.


Jayden Carlos F.


Jonathan V.


Junessence C.


Kayla M.


Kaylah D.


Michelle P.


Nakaylah R.


Sakura W.


Cherish A.


Cheyenne A.


Danille H.


Giuliano S.


Lamorie-Jay G.


Maya M.


Mekhi H.


Sarafina C.


Antwon D.


Christian W.


Gregory W.


Joel W.


Kelisha K.


Melody R.


Shanice M.


Zariya M.


Damion S.


Daniella W.


Gregory S.


Jada W.


Jade H.


Keyani C.


Mahamadou D.


Maimouna D.


Meliyah K.


Sharicia G.



High School Honor Roll



Aniya T.


Isaiah B.


Jade G.


Jelan L.


Roland D.


Shaniel C.


Tamese P.


Yair J.


Aisha J.


Amber S.


Deinaycia G.


Jeremiah J.


Jessica C.


Kimora A.


Leonard A.


Gertorian Y.


Jailynn K.


Jonathan B.


Ryan P.


Ahmir P.


Amir G.


Cameron B.


Emelin R.


Juan Pablo L.


Kahleek M.


Marcelo L.


Ruguiatru B.


Saafia E.


Shenise A.



3. New – Continuing in our Celebration of Women’s History!: As we honor Women’s History this month, one way we are celebrating is by spotlighting, studying, and discussing women who played a vital role in our history and advancements as a society.  As a part of the festivities, we had over 70 students and 30 staff attend our Women’s History Month Celebration on Wednesday afternoon!  Students presented poems, music videos, voted on female Mayoral Candidates, and spotlighted Black female-owned businesses within the Unity Community.  Jennifer S. and Samija T. hosted and introduced the Critical Race Scholar and Activist, Dr. Angel Jones, PhD. It was such an empowering event, as Dr. Jones fielded a range of questions from students and staff.


4. New – Unity Staff and Students Participate in Unity’s Arts & Athletics Classes!  Our community – both staff and students – participated in a variety of arts and athletics remote classes this week. The event was fun and a rich learning experience for all.  As a community, we are so fortunate to have a dedicated and talented team of educators leading our arts and athletics courses!


5. New – 8th Grade Graduation / End-of-Year Events Caregiver Survey: We are aiming to wrap up this remote school year on a high note and would love to hear from you! Please take this brief survey.  Thanks in advance for your input!


6. Reminder – College Information for Students and Families of Unity: See the updates below from our College & Career Readiness Team!

  • End of the Quarter for Unity High Students – We are one week away from the end of the third quarter.  Now is the time for students to review their Jupiter Grades accounts to identify where extra effort should be applied.  Finish the quarter on a strong note by submitting any missing or incomplete assignments!
  • Financial Aid Support – For the Class of 2021, you should be hearing from colleges this month!  After offers of admission, colleges will send financial aid packages to accepted students.  Please use these Calendly links for Mr. Gonzalez and Ms. Roth to make appointments to review and compare financial aid packages.
  • Apply for Scholarships – The Class of 2021 should be searching for and applying for scholarships to help them cover the costs of college.  To help with this search, please create an account at College Greenlight or Fastweb.com.
  • Summer Jobs and Programs – All students should make appointments with their academic counselors to discuss options for summer programs and jobs.  The Academic Counseling department also held a “Summer Job and Program Fair” designed to support students in finding and applying for jobs and programs.  Check out the recording of that Fair here, and the slides here.


7. Reminder – Update to our School Programming Plan for the Remainder of the 2020-21 School Year! Per the letter that was recently disseminated via Jupiter, we will continue with our remote learning program for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. Given the successes that we have experienced with our remote learning program thus far this year, and considering a host of factors that inform how we best serve our students and families over the coming months – including updates on safety guidelines from the CDC and the input of our stakeholders – we feel that this is best course of action for our school community.  Please take a moment to read the full letter addressed to families.  Additional notes on our preliminary summer and fall plans are also included.  More information will be provided in the coming weeks.


8. Reminder – Take Part in our Opt-in, In-Person, Intramural Athletics Program!: As highlighted last week, Unity’s intramural program provides students with opportunities to exercise, learn, and interact with their peers six days a week.  We currently offer the following sports: Basketball, Soccer, Step, Volleyball, and Track.  If you are interested in registering your child, please contact Mr. Coleman (acoleman@unityprep.org) for the middle school or Mr. Noblia (pnoblia@unityprep.org) for the high school.


9. Reminder –  Issue No. 5 of the Unity Review is Available for your Reading Pleasure I am excited to share with you the sixth issue of the Unity Review literary magazine.  The Unity Review team continues to work incredibly hard to bring to you the ideas and talents of our young writers and artists.  This edition’s theme is Love and Hate and includes a number of impressive submissions.  Enjoy!


10. Recap – Working Papers for HS Students During Remote Learning: We know many students will be applying for the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) or Ladders For Leaders in the coming weeks.  In order to do so, students may wish to obtain their working papers.  The process for obtaining working papers during remote learning is as follows:

1.  Parent/guardian completes section I of this form:  http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT17-0320Fillable.pdf

(Form can be typed directly into and saved.)

2.  Email the form to Ms. Kim: ykim@unityprep.org.

3.  Ms. Kim must also see the student’s birth certificate and a completed physical from the student’s doctor dated within one year OR a letter from the doctor stating the student is physically fit to work also dated within one year.  These documents can be emailed to ykim@unityprep.org OR a Zoom call can be scheduled where the documents can be presented.

4.  After these steps are complete, the working papers will be mailed to your home.

If there are any questions about this process, please email Ms. Kim at ykim@unityprep.org.


11. Recap – Unity’s School Calendar for Families through the End of June 2021: In the spirit of providing you with the information you need to best support your child with school at home, here are our updated middle and high school calendars through June 2021.


12. Recap – Unity’s Panther Den is Open to Middle and High School Students who Demonstrate PRIDE!: The Panther Den is where students can redeem the Core Value (PRIDE) points that they’ve earned for prizes and gifts of their choice.

  • Middle school students can submit their requests for the Panther Den prizes via the following link.  Middle school students should reach out to their grade level dean with any questions.
  • The High School Den is open to students on Wednesdays from 3:05-3:50pm and can be accessed using this link.


13. Recap – Mental Health Counseling and Social Work Services at Unity: If you would like to speak to a social worker about your child’s mental health or if you would like your child to receive support from a social worker in school, please reach out to Ms. Del Purgatorio via phone or text (347-688-9107) or email (tdelpurgatorio@unityprep.org).

Unity social workers can also be of assistance in providing information regarding social services (for example: housing, immigration, access to community mental health services & referrals to mental health providers, food security / access to food, public assistance, crisis intervention, etc.).

If your child or family member is experiencing a mental health crisis, NYC Well is available 24 hours a day and can be accessed by phone (1-888-NYC-WELL) or text (text WELL to 65173) or by internet chat via their website: https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/.


Relevant Information from Past Editions of The Scoop:

Requests for a Laptop and Support with Technology or Internet Access: Unity will provide a laptop to all students who need one.  If you still need a Unity laptop OR do not have internet access at home, please complete the following form: https://bit.ly/Unitylaptops.  After completing this form, somebody from the school will reach out to you. Our goal is for 100% of students to have access to the technology they need to fully engage in their studies.


Creating the Perfect Workspace for your Child at Home: Virtual learning can be challenging, but with a welcoming, comfortable learning environment, students are more likely to engage fully in their studies without distraction. Here are three simple best practices to turn a corner of your home into a workspace:

  • Find a spot that has lighting: whether it’s natural sunlight from a window or light from an overhead lamp, it’s important that your workspace has enough light so that your student won’t need to strain to see.
  • Make sure the table and chair are comfortable: working while sitting in a chair at a table increases productivity and focus, but it’s just as crucial that students are comfortable, since they’ll likely be sitting for long periods of time.
  • Ensure that the workspace is free of distractions, noise, and clutter: games, toys, phones, laptops – they’re all fun, but they can be distracting to students while they try to learn. Therefore, the workspace should be spacious, quiet, clean, and clear of distractions.

For additional tips on making an ideal, remote workspace for your child, check out this guide and these suggestions.


Free Breakfast & Lunch are available for Students – Any student has access to free meals a day at more than 400 Meal Hubs across the city.  More details, including a search tool, is available by clicking here.


Helpful Guidance on Obtaining the Perfect Book for Your Child – With the Unity Library closed for the time being, our public libraries in Brooklyn offer a vast majority of their books and resources online.  Additionally, many private companies are stepping up and offering their services for free.  Check out this helpful guide to gain access to ebooks or audiobooks from the Brooklyn Public Library.  In addition, see the list of resources below:

  • Do you have dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, or other reading barriers? Access Bookshare’s free online ebooks.
  • Are you an English Language Learner (ELL) and interested in practicing your English? Are you looking to learn a new language? Rosetta Stone is being offered free for three months to all students.
  • Are you finding it difficult to spend all day looking at a computer screen? Download BeeLine reader for free, which uses color gradients to make reading just a little bit easier.
  • Worried that by spending so much time alone your vocabulary is growing more and more limited by the day? Dictionary.com has free daily activities such as puzzles, quizzes, and a word of the day to keep your vocabulary skills sharp.
  • Want to practice your reading and thinking skills? Scholastic has a remote learning program where you can play games and participate in activities.
  • Try using Newsela, which is an online news-as-literacy platform that features high-interest articles on everything from current events to myths and legends and from literature to science. Follow this link to create an account.
  • Audible is offering free audio books for students. Click here to access a huge selection of audiobooks.


Resources Regarding Unemployment Due to COVID-19 – NYC has developed a list of resources for those who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 or are seeking additional assistance. The website will be updated frequently and includes information on employment/unemployment, food assistance, financial assistance, rent arrears, health and medical assistance, and so forth.


Income Inquiry & Housing Status Form!  We are asking for your help by completing the questions on the form below so we can best assist you and your family during this school year. Your participation in completing this form allows Unity to receive grant money from the state and federal government. The information will be kept confidential.

Announcement – Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn Board of Trustees Meeting

Please see below for a public notice of meeting of the Board of Trustees of Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn.

Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Board of Trustees of
Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 7:00pm.

Members of the public may view a livestream of the meeting by using the link below:


The Unity Scoop – August 26

Dear Families of Unity,

I hope that the summer has continued to bring you and your loved ones an abundance of joy and well-being.  As we move into the tail end of August, we are increasingly excited to begin the 2020-21 school year!

In this edition of The Unity Scoop, I highlight a number of items that are important to you in supporting your children for a strong start in September.  Please review the updates below and reach out with any follow-up questions by emailing info@unityprep.org.

Again, we look forward to kicking off the school year in just over two weeks!

Best wishes,



Josh Beauregard

Head of School


Updates as of August 26, 2020:

1. Key Features of our Reopening Model for the Fall 2020: Here the key features of our model for the fall of 2020.  If you would like more details, here is the recording and here are the slides from the Family Forum we conducted in late July.


2. Sample Schedules for Middle School and High School Students: Here are sample weekly schedules for what your children’s school week will generally look like:


3. Key Dates at Unity for September:

  • September 3rd, 10am-12pm – Remote student orientation for middle school
  • September 9th – Remote student orientation for high school (start times will vary by grade and be messaged next week)
  • September 9th – First day of remote school at Unity
  • September 17th – Middle School Remote Family Orientation Night
  • September 24th – High School School Remote Family Orientation Night


4. Unity’s School Calendar through December 31st: In the spirit of providing you with the information you need to best support your child with school at home, here are our middle and high school calendars through December 31, 2020.  Full school calendars through June of 2021 will be provided early this fall after the New York City Department of Education releases their calendar.


5. Parent Checklist: To help you in taking the appropriate steps to best support your child to get off to a strong start for the 2020-21 school year, here are the things you should be doing over the coming few weeks:

  • Complete Summer Assignments
  • Secure a functioning laptop and reliable internet service (we can help here – #6 below)
  • Arrange your child’s workspace (see #7 below for tips here)
  • Obtain school supplies (see #8 below)
  • Purchase Unity school attire – parents and families are encouraged to purchase the Unity uniform now as uniforms will be required whenever the school returns to in-person instruction.  During remote learning, students are encouraged but not mandated to wear school uniform.
  • Plan your child’s daily routine and schedule to accommodate their class schedule (see #2 above for sample schedules)


6. Requests for Laptop and Support with Internet Access: Unity will provide a laptop to all students who need one.  If you are new to Unity and need to reserve a Unity laptop OR do not have internet access at home, please complete the following form: https://bit.ly/Unitylaptops.  If you are returning to Unity, you can continue using the laptop that was provided last year.  Students are also welcome to use their personal laptop or computer at home.  Our goal is for 100% of students to have access to the technology they need to fully engage in their studies, regardless of whether classes are conducted in-person or remotely.


7. Creating a Workspace for your Child at Home: Virtual learning can be challenging, but with a welcoming, comfortable learning environment, students are more likely to engage fully in their studies without distraction. Here are three simple best practices to turn a corner of your home into a workspace:

  • Find a spot that has lighting: whether it’s natural sunlight from a window or light from an overhead lamp, it’s important that your workspace has enough light so that your student won’t need to strain to see.
  • Make sure the table and chair are comfortable: working while sitting in a chair at a table increases productivity and focus, but it’s just as crucial that students are comfortable, since they’ll likely be sitting for long periods of time.
  • Ensure that the workspace is free of distractions, noise, and clutter: games, toys, phones, laptops – they’re all fun, but they can be distracting to students while they try to learn. Therefore, the workspace should be spacious, quiet, clean, and clear of distractions.

For additional tips on making an ideal, remote workspace for your child, check out this guide and these suggestions.


8. School Supply List: For remote learning, the supply list may appear different than previous years.. Please see the Unity Prep Supply List below:

  • Middle School Students:
    • 5 composition notebooks
    • 10+ pencils
    • 10+ pens
    • Ruler with centimeters (science only)
    • Blank white paper
    • Colored pencils
    • New York City Public Library Card
  • High School Students: the high school supply list for students will be messaged early this coming week.  We are now in the process of finalizing student schedules, which inform student supply needs.


9. Uniforms Update: Students are not required to wear uniforms during virtual learning. However, uniforms and school attire may be purchased by visiting the following links below.  Our guidelines for attire during remote learning will be provided during student orientations.


10. Reminder – Support our Graduates as they Transition to College!:  Our academic counselors recently created a GoFundMe campaign that has raised over $30,000 since June 15th!  Donations will support students in need of financial support as they transition to college.  Our fundraising goal is $50,000.  We aspire to the community school model, in which a school and the community it serves band together to support young people.  Please join us in our efforts by donating whatever you can to support our inaugural graduating class of students.


11. Reminder – An Important Message from Community Board 3 (CB3): The Black Lives Matter Mural on Fulton Street is a source of great community pride and has become, in little over a month, an iconic tribute to Black Lives.  CB3 recently launched the roadway with local artists showcasing themselves through the arts. If you would like to host a workshop or activity, click here to register. All activities are free to families, so feel free to bring your folding chair and enjoy the vibes.

Also, starting August 1st and every Saturday through August, CB3 will have a full day of activities for all ages. Dance, roller skating, Yoga, Jam sessions and much, much more. Schedule will be posted on IG.


Relevant Information from Past Editions of The Scoop:

Air Conditioning to Select Households in NYC this Summer: If you live with any family members 60 years or older and do not already have an air conditioner, the city is providing free air conditioners. Contact New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) using the information below to find out more:

  • Division: Maintenance Hotline
  • Phone Number: (718) 707-7771
  • Business Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
  • Staff is available at all times to handle emergencies and schedule routine maintenance repairs for Mon – Fri: 6:00 AM – midnight. Automated assistance is also available in Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish.
  • https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-03305

Emergency Respite Reimbursement – Funding is available to help families pay for respite services in an emergency situation.  Covered emergencies can include:

  • medical hospitalization and recuperation
  • attending a funeral
  • family member sickness
  • assistance with challenging behaviors

For more information including eligibility requirements, please email: cheryl.jones@yai.org.


Resources Regarding Unemployment Due to COVID-19 – NYC has developed a list of resources for those who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 or are seeking additional assistance. The website will be updated frequently and includes information on employment/unemployment, food assistance, financial assistance, rent arrears, health and medical assistance, and so forth.


Free Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner available for Students and Adults – Any New Yorker, child or adult, has access to three free meals a day at more than 400 Meal Hubs across the city (including PS44), between 7:30am – 11:30am for children and families and from 11:30am to 1:30pm for adults. More details, including a search tool, is available by clicking here.


Resources for Mental Health and Talking to Young People About COVID-19 – The New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) has provided this guide for self-care and strategies for talking about COVID-19 honestly and effectively with young people. In addition, here is a link for webinars for “Parenting During COVID-19” through the Weil Cornell Psychiatry Department. If your child or family member is experiencing a mental health crisis, NYC Well is available 24 hours a day and can be accessed by phone (1888-NYC-WELL) or text (text WELL to 65173) or by internet chat via their website: https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/.  In addition, a mental health hotline has been established in New York City that will provide FREE emotional support, consultation, and referral to a provider. The hotline number is: 1-844-863-9314.


Mental Health Counseling and Social Work Services Available to Unity Students who Receive Counseling – Social workers will continue to hold remote counseling sessions for all students who receive counseling throughout this week.  Please reach out to Ms. Del Purgatorio via phone or text (347-688-9107) or email (tdelpurgatorio@unityprep.org) if you have any questions about the continuation of counseling services or if you are concerned about your child’s mental health. Unity social workers can also be of assistance in providing information regarding social services (for example: housing, access to food, access to community mental health services, referrals to mental health providers, crisis intervention, etc.).


Helpful Guidance on Obtaining the Perfect Book for Your Child – With the Unity Library closed for the time being, our public libraries in Brooklyn offer a vast majority of their books and resources online.  Additionally, many private companies are stepping up and offering their services for free.  Check out this helpful guide to gain access to ebooks or audiobooks from the Brooklyn Public Library.  In addition, see the list of resources below:

  • Do you have dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, or other reading barriers? Access Bookshare’s free online ebooks.
  • Are you an English Language Learner (ELL) and interested in practicing your English? Are you looking to learn a new language? Rosetta Stone is being offered free for three months to all students.
  • Are you finding it difficult to spend all day looking at a computer screen? Download BeeLine reader for free, which uses color gradients to make reading just a little bit easier.
  • Worried that by spending so much time alone your vocabulary is growing more and more limited by the day? Dictionary.com has free daily activities such as puzzles, quizzes, and a word of the day to keep your vocabulary skills sharp.
  • Want to practice your reading and thinking skills? Scholastic has a remote learning program where you can play games and participate in activities.
  • Try using Newsela, which is an online news-as-literacy platform that features high-interest articles on everything from current events to myths and legends and from literature to science. Follow this link to create an account.
  • Audible is offering free audio books for students. Click here to access a huge selection of audiobooks.

Board of Trustees Meeting Announcement

To Whom It May Concern,


Please see below for a public notice of meeting of the Board of Trustees of Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn.



Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 7:00pm.

Members of the public may view a livestream of the meeting by using the link below:




A Message from Unity’s Head of School – no classes tomorrow, June 2nd

Dear Unity families,

In classes today, students connected with their teachers and one another in processing the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Tony McDade, as well as the ongoing protests.  Our community is what makes us strong, and we will continue to use our time together to process, reflect, grieve, and plan for action.

At the same time, we know that many of us are struggling to carry on in light of the trauma that has been happening in our country for centuries, but in renewed focus at the forefront of our national consciousness in the past week.  In order to support all members of our community, particularly our Black and Brown colleagues and friends, we are going to take a collective day off from school tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2nd.  School will not be in session and the day will be to support mental health and self-care for our community, as well as a public declaration of solidarity with those impacted by institutional racism and the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Tony McDade.

While we will not have classes tomorrow, we do still want to offer ongoing support for our students, families, and staff.  The principals at each site, as well as Ms. Del Purgatorio, our Director of Social Work, will be available as resources for both students and staff throughout the week.  See the schedule and meeting links below:

Our decision to not hold classes tomorrow, but to instead provide optional space for dialogue and support, represents what we believe to be right in caring for our community.  We look forward to our continued support of one another and to reflect with our community this week in charting our course forward.

In unity,
Joshua Beauregard
Head of School
Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn

A Message from Unity’s Head of School

Dear community members of Unity:

At no other time in our students’ lives has society seem so unjust.  Personally, I am ashamed, saddened, and angered by racial injustices that continue to plague our society as demonstrated by the glaring, inequitable impact of the pandemic on black and brown communities we serve and by the recent and continued killing of black and brown people by members of law enforcement.

While we all wrestle with the atrocities that continue to persist and what we must do to address them, it has been uplifting over the past few days to see people all over the country come together to demand change through protest.  The words of our leaders in society have also provided clarity, direction, and helpful reflection.  In the words of Michelle Obama:

“Race and racism is a reality that so many of us grow up learning to just deal with. But if we ever hope to move past it, it can’t just be on people of color to deal with it.  It’s up to all of us—Black, white, everyone—no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out.  It starts with self-examination and listening to those whose lives are different from our own. It ends with justice, compassion, and empathy that manifests in our lives and on our streets.”

When reflecting on Michelle Obama’s words and in grappling with my own beliefs and what needs to be done, I come to two core beliefs that I hold dearly and that I believe align with our collective work at Unity.

First, I believe that eradicating institutional racism needs to be the single greatest objective of our society.  This is why I and so many of Unity’s faculty and staff devote our professional and personal lives to public education where the inequities are profound and deeply entrenched.  Second, I believe that the protest of institutional racism must take the form of deliberate actions that are ingrained in our daily lives in order for us to make lasting forward progress in eliminating racism in our institutions.  We, and by we, I mean white people alongside people of color, must take action each and every day over a prolonged period of time in order to realize lasting change.

As a school that was founded on the empowerment of all students through providing an exceptional education that equips them to lead fulfilling lives, I do believe that our consistent, daily work as a school has created positive and lasting change through our impact on students, their learning, and their outlook on the world.  I feel most optimistic about the future of our society when I think of our graduating seniors using their Unity education on college campuses and in career training programs next year to engage in serious advocacy to change the status quo alongside their peers.

At the same time, there is much more that we as a school can and must do in the near term and long term to meaningfully contribute to eliminating  institutional racism in our society.  And here is where I feel not just grounded but inspired to work alongside our entire community and take ownership of my role in enacting meaningful change.

In the near term, we will continue to empower our students by teaching them to think critically about current events and their connections to history and other aspects of students’ lives.  Tragically, what we are seeing is not new, but we have an opportunity to support students in improving our world so that what we are seeing ceases to be the norm.   We will also continue to develop the core skills that lead to students being empowered and strong advocates for themselves and others.  Finally, we will continue to create safe spaces for students to voice their hopes and fears in response to the world around them and do so with empathy, encouragement, and love.

Over the long term, as an institution that seeks to model that which we aspire for our broader society to reflect, we will continue to re-examine our systems at Unity, including our policies on school culture and restorative justice, and the ways in which we actively support, receive feedback from, and advocate for our families.  This work is something that we have consistently done each year since our founding, but we need to do it with even greater urgency and effectiveness.

The road to a more just society is a long one.  I believe in our collective resilience and resolve to make this world a better place for our children.  Your support and commitment to our school’s mission has never been so challenged and is more greatly appreciated now than ever before.


With determination and in unity,


Joshua Beauregard

Head of School

Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn

Unity Scoop – May 27th

Dear Students and Families of Unity,


It is hard to believe that we are just a few days away from June.  On behalf of our entire staff, I am excited to fully embrace each day in closing out the school year as strongly as possible.


This edition of The Scoop is similar to last week’s edition.  We continue to offer important updates on end-of-year events and summer initiatives.  We also continue to honor Unity students and their recent accomplishments.  Congrats to our students with stellar attendance this week with a special shout-out to any students newly appearing on the list this week.


Congrats to the Unity family member who won last week’s trivia contest and a Seamless gift card!  We encourage all family members to take part in this week’s trivia!


In unity,


Josh Beauregard

Head of School



Updates as of May 29, 2020:

  1. Update – End-of-Year Events to Honor Unity’s First-Ever Graduating Class – The Class of 2020!: We have one update for you this week re: end-of-year activities for our “one and only” senior class:


  1. Update – Middle School End-of-Year Reflections Update: Please see the video clip and slides below with important information about End Of Year Reflections at the middle school! .

Video:  Unity Middle School End Of Year Reflections 2020 Overview

Slides: Unity Middle School End Of Year Reflections 2020


  1. More Celebration of Academic Excellence at Unity!: Our students have been working very hard this year, especially over the past month during the transition to remote learning. We are excited to celebrate their achievements in their coursework and learning. Today, we highlight four new students at our high school who are excelling in their coursework.  Congrats again to our middle school Students of the Month from April!






  1. Celebrating Stellar Student Attendance!: In addition to academic excellence, it is also worth highlighting the dedication of so many of our students to their studies through their excellent attendance in our remote classrooms. This past week, 139 students had 100% attendance in their classes. Here is the all-star list!


Middle School Students:

6th Grade Students 7th Grade Students 8th Grade Students
Abdoalmaliek A. Aniyah A. Brandon R.
Allizson Z. Bryan M. Chalmers L.
Amir L. Celine P. Christian S.
Camerin D. Connor S. Danville N E.
Charmaine J. Corey C. Dymandjie L.
Christopher M. Faye N. Hailey S.
Daniel G. Francisco M. Isarina C.
Darius C. Gabrielle S. J’shai W.
Elijah M. Jalicia W. Jaheem A.
Francis A. Jasmine J. Jaleel B.
Ilianna M. Jayde S. Jason M.
Jabari B. Jonah B. Jayden Carlos F.
Jaelyn W. Justin J. Joshua James M.
Jahlil B. Najir M. Kaylah D.
James M. Nakayla B. Kayon Shawn C.
Jazel J. Natalie D. Krystian M.
Jeshaun E. Nathan R. Malachi Chris C.
Jonathan C. Priscilla G. Matthias G.
Julissa G. Shaila G. Nakaylah S R R.
Justin L. Shyanne T. Nicholas D E.
Katelynn R. Sokona G. Sakura W.
Keianna M. Tiffanny P. Shaniel C.
Michayla P. Zuri T. Skyla P.
Naishae W.   Tianna H.
Raven B.   Ziaire P.
Reginald F.    
Rhondell H.    
Richard B.    
Sani D.    
Saniyah H.    
Savion R.    
Sean D.    
Seth J.    
Stephen P.    
Taylor B.    
Triniece B.    
Zaquon L.    


High School Students:

9th Grade Students 10th Grade Students 11th Grade Students 12th Grade Students
Aisha J. Brian F. Alicia G. Jian C.
Amber S. Desiree P. Alize M. Jordan G.
Cheyenne A. Gertorian Y. Aniyah L. Rondell B.
Danille H. Gregory W. Corey S. Sierra C.
De’ana A. Jaden J. Fernando S. Terry R.
Giovanni B. Jennifer S. Jada W. Tyrese M.
Giuliano S. Jessie V. Jemuel B. Zaniah J.
Jayden B. Jordan F. Joelle W.  
Jessica C. Katana K. Jordie W.  
Joshua W. Kaylan M. Justin S.  
Joziyah J. Kelisha K. Maimouna D.  
Ke’miya W. Tayshawn C. Micah W.  
Lamorie-Jay G. Zariya M. Moshawn B.  
Maya M.   Roshawana S.  
Mekhi H.   Ruguiatru B.  
Miguel C.      
Nylah W.      
Sean H.      
Simon G.      


  1. Congrats to our Student-Athletes in Making All-Conference Teams!: We congrat our student-athletes for their accomplishments on the basketball court this past season! The following students have been recognized by our athlete leagues as all-stars:

Middle School:

High School:


  1. Through Your Support, the Unity High Queens Steppers Continue to the Next Round!: World of Step has creatively designed a virtual competition that utilizes pre-recorded performance material to allow their hard work to continue to be celebrated in hopes of snatching one last title. Unity’s Queen Steppers have continued on to the next rounds through your support. The team appreciates your support and kindly requests that you continue to show it!   You can cast your vote by visiting the World of Step website: http://www.worldofstep.com.


  1. Unity’s Weekly Trivia Contest for a Seamless Gift Card: Congratulations to Ms. Charles for winning last week’s trivia contest! Each week, The Scoop will feature Unity Trivia! Answer each question correctly for an opportunity to win a Seamless gift card. The winner will be selected at random and announced in next week’s Scoop. Click here to access this week’s trivia contest (due Monday at 5pm) and reach out to cbeckford@unityprep.org with any questions.  Students and caregivers are both eligible to participate.


  1. Reminder: Unity’s Summer Academy will be Remote this Summer: Summer Academy for grades 6-12 will be held remotely this summer. We will provide details to all families whose children are required to attend summer school in the coming weeks.


  1. Reminder: High School Grading Policy Update: Please read the attached memo regarding Remote Grading Policy updates at our high school. For questions and clarifications about the policies or your student’s academic standing, reach out to their academic counselor.


  1. Reminder – Clarification on Unity’s Grading Policy in Relation to Attendance for Remote Learning: The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) recently released its Grading Policy Guidance for Remote Learning, which included a statement that it would not use attendance to calculate grades. A few students and families have since reached out to inquire how this applies to Unity’s grading and attendance policy during remote learning. In terms of attendance, the expectations for Unity students continues to be the same: student attendance during remote learning is mandatory and essential to successful academic outcomes.  We are committed to providing instruction and academic support during our remote learning period to ensure all Unity students are best positioned to begin next school year ready for the next grade level.  In order to accomplish this, students must engage in online remote learning with teachers every day.  Students who are not able to attend classes may fall behind in coursework and may be required to continue classwork during the summer.  Please reach out to your student’s middle school teacher or high school academic counselor if you have any questions about attendance.


Relevant Information from Past Editions of The Scoop:

Resources Regarding Unemployment Due to COVID-19: NYC has developed a list of resources for those who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 or are seeking additional assistance. The website will be updated frequently and includes information on employment/unemployment, food assistance, financial assistance, rent arrears, health and medical assistance, and so forth.


Free Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner available for Students and Adults: Any New Yorker, child or adult, has access to three free meals a day at more than 400 Meal Hubs across the city (including PS44), between 7:30am – 11:30am for children and families and from 11:30am to 1:30pm for adults. More details, including a search tool, is available by clicking here.


Resources for Mental Health and Talking to Young People About COVID-19: The New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) has provided this guide for self-care and strategies for talking about COVID-19 honestly and effectively with young people. In addition, here is a link for webinars for “Parenting During COVID-19” through the Weil Cornell Psychiatry Department. If your child or family member is experiencing a mental health crisis, NYC Well is available 24 hours a day and can be accessed by phone (1888-NYC-WELL) or text (text WELL to 65173) or by internet chat via their website: https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/.  In addition, a mental health hotline has been established in New York City that will provide FREE emotional support, consultation, and referral to a provider. The hotline number is: 1-844-863-9314.


Mental Health Counseling and Social Work Services Available to Unity Students who Receive Counseling: Social workers will continue to hold remote counseling sessions for all students who receive counseling throughout this week.  Please reach out to Ms. Del Purgatorio via phone or text (347-688-9107) or email (tdelpurgatorio@unityprep.org) if you have any questions about the continuation of counseling services or if you are concerned about your child’s mental health. Unity social workers can also be of assistance in providing information regarding social services (for example: housing, access to food, access to community mental health services, referrals to mental health providers, crisis intervention, etc.).


Helpful Guidance on Obtaining the Perfect Book for Your Child: With the Unity Library closed for the time being, our public libraries in Brooklyn offer a vast majority of their books and resources online.  Additionally, many private companies are stepping up and offering their services for free.  Check out this helpful guide to gain access to ebooks or audiobooks from the Brooklyn Public Library.  In addition, see the list of resources below:


Supplemental Resources to Continue Your Child’s Learning at Home: Between now and the launch of remoting learning, we encourage you to support your child at home in keeping their academic skills fresh.  The NYCDOE’s Learn at Home site provides learning resources to students to complete while they are receiving instruction.  It is important that students continue to read, write, complete social studies and science activities, and work on math problems.  The materials are organized by grade level and include the following:


Free Internet at Home: A variety of internet providers are offering free internet  access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have an internet subscription. Internet access at home will be critical for students to complete their remote learning assignments To enroll, call

Note that Installation fees will be waived for new households.


Unity Scoop – May 20th

Dear Students and Families of Unity,


I hope this note finds you in good spirits as we embrace the recent spring weather.


With this edition of The Scoop, we offer a few important updates on end-of-year events and summer initiatives.  In addition, we continue to honor Unity students and their recent accomplishments.  Congrats to our students with stellar attendance this week; we admire your dedication and resilience.  We also shout-out (for a second time) our high school students who have been taking their Advanced Placement exams over the past week – we are so proud and wish you well!


On a final note, congrats to the Unity family member who won last week’s trivia contest and a Seamless gift card!  We encourage all family members to take part in this week’s trivia!


It’s hard to believe that we are two days away from Memorial Day weekend.  I wish all of our families a safe and joyful long weekend with loved ones.



In unity,


Josh Beauregard

Head of School



Updates as of May 21, 2020:

  1. Updates for our Unity’s First-Ever Graduating Class – The Class of 2020!: Ms. Bonaminio and Ms. Fuller sent out important updates to the families of seniors via Jupiter this week. Here are are few headlines worth reiterating:


  1. Unity’s Summer Academy will be Remote this Summer: Summer Academy for grades 6-12 will be held remotely this summer. We will provide details to all families whose children are required to attend summer school in the coming weeks.


  1. High School Grading Policy Update: Please read the attached memo regarding Remote Grading Policy updates at our high school. For questions and clarifications about the policies or your student’s academic standing, reach out to their academic counselor.


  1. Senior Spotlight of the Week: This week, we are beginning a new Scoop feature in which we spotlight a member of our first graduating class. Today, we celebrate Jhovani D! Jhovani has been with Unity since our founding year in 2013. He is heading to SUNY Oswego this fall to begin his studies in the zoology field. Jhovani’s advice to all future Unity seniors is to “just do your work!” and his favorite quote is, “An ignorant person does no more good than a lazy person.” Congratulations, Jhovani, in making your college aspirations a reality.  We are so proud of you – you’ve come far since 8th grade (see the 8th grade graduation photo below – the one and only Jhovani is seated on the far right) and your future looks bright!


  1. A Flashback to our Student vs. Faculty Games at the Barclays Center: On March 9th, one week before we transitioned to remote learning, our community enjoyed a fun and festive evening at the Barclays Center for our Annual Student vs. Faculty Basketball games. In all, eight of our athletic teams were featured over the course of the evening. Thank you to so many of our families who came out to support our teams and the athletic program.  Enjoy the photo below – so many smiles!


  1. Middle School Roundtable Presentation Update: In order to accommodate the challenges associated with remote learning and the ongoing pandemic, unfortunately, we will not have Roundtable presentations as we have experienced in prior years. Instead, students will create an End-of-Year Reflection in their English Language Arts class. Students will share that presentation with staff and families during the time that was previously set aside for Roundtables in June.  Students will also complete projects in all classes that are an appropriate conclusion for remote learning.  We will schedule time slots for End-of-Year Reflections in June.


  1. Congrats to High School Advanced Placement Students!: As we finish out our second year of AP exams, we offer our congratulations to the many sophomore, junior, and senior students who took Advanced Placement exams over the past two weeks. Unity students have been focused and resilient through the many shifts to this process, and we are incredibly proud of you. Also, THANK YOU again families, for supporting your children through these exams and helping them get ready for college! If you want to see even more shout outs, check out this video here.


  1. More Celebration of Academic Excellence at Unity!: Our students have been working very hard this year, especially over the past month during the transition to remote learning. We are excited to celebrate their achievements in their coursework and learning. Today, we highlight four new students across grades 9-12 who are excelling in their coursework.  Congrats again to our middle school Students of the Month for April!



  1. Celebrating Stellar Student Attendance!: In addition to academic excellence, it is also worth highlighting the dedication of so many of our students to their studies through their excellent attendance in our remote classrooms. This past week, 120 students had 100% attendance in their classes. Here is the all-star list!


Middle School Students:

6th Grade Students 7th Grade Students 8th Grade Students
Nayaliz V Tawrey N Jordyn P
Donovan T Chasity H Jaleel B
Mi-Chai L Shamira A Jason M
Tymir M Mohagany B Christian S
Imanni S Rowmar W Jalila Nicole R
Justin L Jayden D Jayden Carlos F
Yashim J Jade B Ziaire P
Derrick J Celine P Jaheem A
Kester F Gabrielle S Kaylah D
Jazel J Keyontae J J’shai W
Zaquon L Connor S Krystian M
Savion R Nataliya M Chalmers L
Charmaine J Junaydah H Nicholas Daville E
Rhondell H Natalie D Isarina C
Christopher M Nakayla B Dymandjie L
Isabell C Nathan R Shaniel C
Reginald F Triston S Sakura W
Raven B Jasmine J Dante J
Natelege J Jalicia W Nakaylah S R R
Taylor B Preston W Joshua James M
Sani D Justin J Roodjahelle R R
James M Brandon G Charisma C
Damani G Amaya T Tianna H
Julissa G Najir M Kamora J H
Keianna M Sokona G  
  Jayde S  
  Jonah B  
  Aniyah A  
  Shaila G  


High School Students:

9th Grade Students 10th Grade Students 11th Grade Students 12th Grade Students
Derriko H Brian F Kahleek M Nigel D
Cheyenne A Jaden J Alize M John M
Miguel C Katana K Fernando S Jaden F
Ashlee D Kelisha K Micah W Horatio J
Andrew J Kaylan M Corey S Celina J
Joshua W Desiree P Jade H Akameak K
De’ana A Jonathan S Juan Pablo L Sebastian L
Jessica C Jennifer S Ja’Don R Sanjae C
Sarafina C Gregory W Gregory S Sierra C
Simon G Joshua P Coron S Jalik D
Mekhi H John A   Franklin F
Sean H Sincere B   Leslie G
Aisha J Damion B   Jordan G
Maya M Isaiah B   Anthony N
Giuliano S Julius C   Vladimir R
Amber S Tayshawn C   Rondell B
Nylah W Michael D   Kayla B
  Marquis G    
  Kalisa K    
  Joshua L    
  Zariya M    
  Cierra N    
  Arianna S    
  Samija T    
  Jessie V    
  Joel W    
  Christian W    
  Gertorian Y    


  1. Clarification on Unity’s Grading Policy in Relation to Attendance for Remote Learning: The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) recently released its Grading Policy Guidance for Remote Learning, which included a statement that it would not use attendance to calculate grades. A few students and families have since reached out to inquire how this applies to Unity’s grading and attendance policy during remote learning. In terms of attendance, the expectations for Unity students continues to be the same: student attendance during remote learning is mandatory and essential to successful academic outcomes.  We are committed to providing instruction and academic support during our remote learning period to ensure all Unity students are best positioned to begin next school year ready for the next grade level.  In order to accomplish this, students must engage in online remote learning with teachers every day.  Students who are not able to attend classes may fall behind in coursework and may be required to continue classwork during the summer.  Please reach out to your student’s middle school teacher or high school academic counselor if you have any questions about attendance.


  1. Support the Unity Queens Steppers’ as Their Season Continues Virtually!: World of Step has creatively designed a virtual competition that utilizes pre-recorded performance material to allow their hard work to continue to be celebrated in hopes of snatching one last title. The virtual competition will take place during the week of 5/18. The team asks for your help by voting for their performance online.  Voting will begin 5/18 and end 5/22 – you can cast your vote by visiting the World of Step website: http://www.worldofstep.com.  Please show support by joining the live by following @WorldofStep and @Unity.Queens_ on Instagram.



  1. Unity’s Weekly Trivia Contest for a Seamless Gift Card: Congratulations to Ms. Francis for winning last week’s trivia contest! Each week, The Scoop will feature Unity Trivia! Answer each question correctly for an opportunity to win a Seamless gift card. The winner will be selected at random and announced in next week’s Scoop. Click here to access this week’s trivia contest (due Friday at 5pm) and reach out to cbeckford@unityprep.org with any questions.  Students and caregivers are both eligible to participate.



Relevant Information from Past Editions of The Scoop:

Letter Sent Home to the Families of All High School Students Taking Health this Semester – Last week, all students who are currently enrolled in health class were given this letter from the NYC Department of Education to bring home to their parent or guardian.  This letter pertains to the upcoming classes that will focus on sexual health, more specifically HIV/STI prevention.  Please review the letter and reach out to your child’s Health teacher, Mr. Martinez (tmartinez@unityprep.org) or Mr. Coleman (acoleman@unityprep.org).


Resources Regarding Unemployment Due to COVID-19: NYC has developed a list of resources for those who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 or are seeking additional assistance. The website will be updated frequently and includes information on employment/unemployment, food assistance, financial assistance, rent arrears, health and medical assistance, and so forth.


Free Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner available for Students and Adults: Any New Yorker, child or adult, has access to three free meals a day at more than 400 Meal Hubs across the city (including PS44), between 7:30am – 11:30am for children and families and from 11:30am to 1:30pm for adults. More details, including a search tool, is available by clicking here.


Resources for Mental Health and Talking to Young People About COVID-19: The New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) has provided this guide for self-care and strategies for talking about COVID-19 honestly and effectively with young people. In addition, here is a link for webinars for “Parenting During COVID-19” through the Weil Cornell Psychiatry Department. If your child or family member is experiencing a mental health crisis, NYC Well is available 24 hours a day and can be accessed by phone (1888-NYC-WELL) or text (text WELL to 65173) or by internet chat via their website: https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/.  In addition, a mental health hotline has been established in New York City that will provide FREE emotional support, consultation, and referral to a provider. The hotline number is: 1-844-863-9314.


Mental Health Counseling and Social Work Services Available to Unity Students who Receive Counseling: Social workers will continue to hold remote counseling sessions for all students who receive counseling throughout this week.  Please reach out to Ms. Del Purgatorio via phone or text (347-688-9107) or email (tdelpurgatorio@unityprep.org) if you have any questions about the continuation of counseling services or if you are concerned about your child’s mental health. Unity social workers can also be of assistance in providing information regarding social services (for example: housing, access to food, access to community mental health services, referrals to mental health providers, crisis intervention, etc.).


Helpful Guidance on Obtaining the Perfect Book for Your Child: With the Unity Library closed for the time being, our public libraries in Brooklyn offer a vast majority of their books and resources online.  Additionally, many private companies are stepping up and offering their services for free.  Check out this helpful guide to gain access to ebooks or audiobooks from the Brooklyn Public Library.  In addition, see the list of resources below:


Supplemental Resources to Continue Your Child’s Learning at Home: Between now and the launch of remoting learning, we encourage you to support your child at home in keeping their academic skills fresh.  The NYCDOE’s Learn at Home site provides learning resources to students to complete while they are receiving instruction.  It is important that students continue to read, write, complete social studies and science activities, and work on math problems.  The materials are organized by grade level and include the following:


Free Internet at Home: A variety of internet providers are offering free internet  access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have an internet subscription. Internet access at home will be critical for students to complete their remote learning assignments To enroll, call

Note that Installation fees will be waived for new households.


The Unity Scoop – May 13, 2020

Dear Students and Families of Unity,

I hope that the week is treating you and your loved ones well.

With this edition of The Scoop, we continue to celebrate Unity students and their recent accomplishments.  I am thrilled that so many students had perfect attendance in their remote classes last week.  We also shout-out our high school students who are taking their Advanced Placement exams this week – we are so proud and wish you well!  Finally, we are excited to support our Unity Steppers in their virtual competition this coming week.  Details are below on how you can support their success.

On a final note, congrats to the Unity family member who won last week’s trivia contest and a Seamless gift card!  We encourage all family members to take part in this week’s trivia – you can’t win if you don’t try!


In unity,

Josh Beauregard

Head of School


Updates as of May 13, 2020:


  1. Congrats to High School Advanced Placement Students!: Unity would like to offer an emphatic congratulations to our sophomore, junior, and senior Panthers who are taking AP Exams over the next few weeks.  These students have always been trailblazers – when presented with two high school paths, they chose the harder option by taking a college-level class in high school.  Now, they’re blazing a new trail and taking the first-ever remote AP exams from home! Thank YOU, Unity families, for supporting them through these challenging classes and exams during a stressful time in life.  Please give them a comfortable spot to work with as much peace and quiet as possible, along with a lot of love and cheerleading as they test.  We are so proud of their hard work and determination!  If you want to see even more shout-outs, check out this video.


  1. More Celebration of Academic Excellence at Unity!: Our students have been working very hard this year, especially over the past month during the transition to remote learning.  We are excited to celebrate their achievements in their coursework and learning.  Today, we highlight four new students across grades 9-12 who are excelling in their coursework.  Congrats again to our middle school Students of the Month for April!



  1. Celebrating Stellar Student Attendance!: In addition to academic excellence, it is also worth highlighting the dedication of so many of our students to their studies through their excellent attendance in our remote classrooms.  This past week, 179 students had 100% attendance in their classes, a large increase over our list of 110 students the week prior!  Be proud, Unity – here is the all-star list!

Middle School Students:

6th Grade Students 7th Grade Students 8th Grade Students
Charmaine J Ahkeelah W Chalmers L
Christopher M Ajani D Charisma C
Darius C Amaya T Christian S
Derrick J Celine P Dymandjie L
Faith S Connor S Elisha Ezekiel S
Isabell C Francisco M Isarina C
Jabari B Gabrielle S J’shai W
Jaiden C Iliana L Jaleel B
James M Jade B Jared W
Jazel J Jalicia W Jayden Carlos F
Jeshaun E Jasmine J Jenisa Mya S
Julissa G Jonah B Jordyn P
Justin L Keyontae J Joshua James M
Katelynn R Leyah M Kaylah D
Keianna M Mahogany F Krystian M
Kester F Najir M Nakaylah S R R
Naishae W Nakayla B Nicholas D E
Raven B Natalie D Nickwayne D E
Reginald F Nathan R Sakura W
Sani D Preston W Shaniel C
Savion R Rowmar W Tianna H
Taylor B Samara S Ziaire P
  Saraya M  
  Shaila G  
  Shammah J  
  Sokona G  
  Tawrey N  


High School Students:

9th Grade Students 10th Grade Students 11th Grade Students 12th Grade Students
Aisha J Aisha B Ahmir P Adewale F
Ashlee D Alexander C Alicia G Akameak K
Cheyenne A Arianna S Alize M Akili N
De’ana A Brian F Andre R Aniya C
Delia M Christian W Angelique D Breana B
Derriko H Cierra N Aniyah L Diallo G
Giovanni B Damion B Damion S Horatio J
Giuliano S Desiree P Emelin R Isheanna M
Jahmir F Isaiah B Jada W Jah’Mir M
Jason P Jaden J Jade H Jalik D
Jayden B Jahnae M Jaemiah W Jian C
Jeremiah J Jasmin Q Jehiel S John M
Joshua W Jennifer S Jemuel B Jordan G
Joziyah J Jessie V Joelle W Leslie G
Maya M Joel W Jordie W Malik D
Mekhi H John A Juan Pablo L Maurice C
Miguel C Jonathan B Justin S Nigel D
Nikolay B Joshua L Kahleek M Rondell B
Nylah W Julius C Kayla F Sanjae C
Sean H Kalisa K Keon H Sebastian L
  Katana K Keyani C Shakirah H
  Kaylan M Maimouna D Tajanaye M
  Kelisha K Micah W Tyasia P
  Marquis G Miguel R Tyrek B
  Nyomi B Roshawana S Tyrese M
  Samija T Saafia E Vladimir R
  Sincere B Semaj G Zaniah J
  Tayshawn C Sharicia G  
  Zariya M Shenise A  
  Zaveion H Sherwin A  
    Zyira L  


  1. Video Conference with Middle School Co-Principals on May 15th: We thank our families who attended yesterday’s virtual lunch meeting with our high school co-principals.  Our middle school co-principals are excited to convene virtually with families this coming Friday morning.  The meeting will be held virtually via Google Meet.  We welcome you to take part in conversation with our co-principals about events and topics that are relevant to our school.  Caregivers are able to attend the meetings by clicking on the links below:


  1. Clarification on Unity’s Grading Policy in Relation to Attendance for Remote Learning: The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) recently released its Grading Policy Guidance for Remote Learning, which included a statement that it would not use attendance to calculate grades.  A few students and families have since reached out to inquire how this applies to Unity’s grading and attendance policy during remote learning.  In terms of attendance, the expectations for Unity students continues to be the same: student attendance during remote learning is mandatory and essential to successful academic outcomes. We are committed to providing instruction and academic support during our remote learning period to ensure all Unity students are best positioned to begin next school year ready for the next grade level.  In order to accomplish this, students must engage in online remote learning with teachers every day.  Students who are not able to attend classes may fall behind in coursework and may be required to continue classwork during the summer.  Please reach out to your student’s middle school teacher or high school academic counselor if you have any questions about attendance.


  1. Support the Unity Queens Steppers’ as Their Season Continues Virtually!World of Step has creatively designed a virtual competition that utilizes pre-recorded performance material to allow their hard work to continue to be celebrated in hopes of snatching one last title. The virtual competition will take place during the week of 5/18.  The team asks for your help by voting for their performance online.  Voting will begin 5/18 and end 5/22 – you can cast your vote by visiting the World of Step website: http://www.worldofstep.com.  Additionally, Coach Alley Olivier is being interviewed by the World of Step on Instagram Live on Tuesday, May 19th at 3p.m.  Tune in to hear Coach Olivier discuss her team’s successes,  and inspirations.  Please show support by joining the live by following @WorldofStep and @Unity.Queens_ on Instagram.


  1. Information from the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene regarding Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome: Please take a moment to read two resources provided by the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene regarding Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome (PMIS Letter to Families and PMIS Fact Sheet).  We will continue to forward other informational resources as they become available.


  1. Unity’s Weekly Trivia Contest for a Seamless Gift Card: Congratulations to Ms. Beckles last week for winning the trivia contest! Each week, The Scoop will feature Unity Trivia!  Answer each question correctly for an opportunity to win a Seamless gift card. The winner will be selected at random and announced in next week’s Scoop.  Click here to access this week’s trivia contest (due Friday at 5pm) and reach out to cbeckford@unityprep.org with any questions.  Students and caregivers are both eligible to participate.


Relevant Information from Past Editions of The Scoop:

  1. Letter Sent Home to the Families of All High School Students Taking Health this Semester – Last week, all students who are currently enrolled in health class were given this letter from the NYC Department of Education to bring home to their parent or guardian.  This letter pertains to the upcoming classes that will focus on sexual health, more specifically HIV/STI prevention.  Please review the letter and reach out to your child’s Health teacher, Mr. Martinez (tmartinez@unityprep.org) or Mr. Coleman (acoleman@unityprep.org).


  1. Resources Regarding Unemployment Due to COVID-19: NYC has developed a list of resources for those who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 or are seeking additional assistance. The website will be updated frequently and includes information on employment/unemployment, food assistance, financial assistance, rent arrears, health and medical assistance, and so forth.


  1. Free Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner available for Students and Adults: Any New Yorker, child or adult, has access to three free meals a day at more than 400 Meal Hubs across the city (including PS44), between 7:30am – 11:30am for children and families and from 11:30am to 1:30pm for adults. More details, including a search tool, is available by clicking here.


  1. Resources for Mental Health and Talking to Young People About COVID-19: The New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) has provided this guide for self-care and strategies for talking about COVID-19 honestly and effectively with young people. In addition, here is a link for webinars for “Parenting During COVID-19” through the Weil Cornell Psychiatry Department. If your child or family member is experiencing a mental health crisis, NYC Well is available 24 hours a day and can be accessed by phone (1888-NYC-WELL) or text (text WELL to 65173) or by internet chat via their website: https://nycwell.cityofnewyork.us/en/.  In addition, a mental health hotline has been established in New York City that will provide FREE emotional support, consultation, and referral to a provider. The hotline number is: 1-844-863-9314.


  1. Mental Health Counseling and Social Work Services Available to Unity Students who Receive Counseling: Social workers will continue to hold remote counseling sessions for all students who receive counseling throughout this week.  Please reach out to Ms. Del Purgatorio via phone or text (347-688-9107) or email (tdelpurgatorio@unityprep.org) if you have any questions about the continuation of counseling services or if you are concerned about your child’s mental health. Unity social workers can also be of assistance in providing information regarding social services (for example: housing, access to food, access to community mental health services, referrals to mental health providers, crisis intervention, etc.).


  1. Helpful Guidance on Obtaining the Perfect Book for Your Child: With the Unity Library closed for the time being, our public libraries in Brooklyn offer a vast majority of their books and resources online.  Additionally, many private companies are stepping up and offering their services for free.  Check out this helpful guide to gain access to ebooks or audiobooks from the Brooklyn Public Library.  In addition, see the list of resources below:


  1. Supplemental Resources to Continue Your Child’s Learning at Home: Between now and the launch of remoting learning, we encourage you to support your child at home in keeping their academic skills fresh.  The NYCDOE’s Learn at Home site provides learning resources to students to complete while they are receiving instruction.  It is important that students continue to read, write, complete social studies and science activities, and work on math problems.  The materials are organized by grade level and include the following:


  1. Free Internet at Home: A variety of internet providers are offering free internet  access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have an internet subscription. Internet access at home will be critical for students to complete their remote learning assignments To enroll, call

Note that Installation fees will be waived for new households.