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Unity Scoop Announcements – Week of March 26th

432 Scoop Week of March 26th

584 Scoop Week of March 26th

The Unity Scoop – Week of March 19th

High School Scoop @ 584, March 19th


Middle School Scoop @ 432, March 19th


Unity Scoops – Week of March 5th

Click here to access the middle school 432 Scoop.


Click here to access the high school 584 Scoop.

Notice of Public Hearing: Charter School Revision Application Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn (Community School Districts 13 & 14)

Click here to access the announcement.

Haga clic aquí para acceder al anuncio.


Good afternoon, families of Unity High!

I hope that you and your family enjoyed the wonderful break.  I want to begin today’s note by thanking our families that supported their children in keeping their academic skills strong by helping them complete their mid-winter break homework assignments.  Such practice goes a long way in helping students retain and strengthen important skills from which to continue building.

It feels great to be back in school this week to reunite with everyone to resume in our all important work.  With the month of March almost upon us, we are moving into the spring season, which is a busy and exciting time of year.  We look forward to continuing to partner with you to create the best educational experience possible for your child.

In this week’s edition of The 584 Scoop, I bring to you 9 important announcements plus a bonus coming from our faculty and high-school scholar athletes.

This Week’s Top 9:

  1. Reminder!  Get Ready!  SAT and PSAT Prep! –  These upcoming tests are critical to each scholars’ college applications. On March 27th, juniors will take the actual SAT for the first time – this is the actual test for which results will be sent to the colleges students hope to attend. Unity sophomores will take the PSAT.   For sophomores, this will be their first round of practice for the SAT.  If your child is a sophomore or junior, please encourage her or him to practice on Khan Academy and to read their independent reading book for at least 30 minutes each night – that is the best practice for the test!
  1. Reminder!  Family Movie Night at Unity is this Thursday, February 28th at 5pm! – Come out with the family to enjoy the brilliant and inspiring film, Hidden Figures, in our middle school auditorium at 432 Monroe Street.  Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.org or (347) 460-7173.
  1. Semester I Honor Roll Reception, Tuesday, March 5th at 5:30pm! – We are excited to celebrate students with exceptional Semester 1 academic achievement next week. Additionally, we will recognize students who have consistently demonstrated our PRIDE values of Professionalism, Resilience, Integrity, Dignity, and Empathy. The celebration will include awards, food, and performances.  Invitations will be distributed on Wednesday, February 27, in advisory.  Family members of invited students are encouraged to attend!
  1. Reminder!  Our Next Open Houses for Prospective New Middle School Students are on Wednesday, March 20th at 6pm and on Saturday, March 23rd at 10am – We encourage our current families to invite other families whose child is entering middle school next year.  Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.org or (347) 460-7173.
  1. Support our Student Recruitment Efforts! – We kindly ask that all of our families take no more than five minutes to visit GreatSchools.org or our Google page to share with others what you appreciate about Unity and why you are proud to send your child to Unity.  Simply click HERE to access our Google page or HERE to go directly to the site to provide a review.  Thanks in advance – it means a lot to us and goes a long way in ensuring our long-term success in connecting with amazing families like you!
  1. Reminder!  Update to Unity High’s Tardy-to-School Policy – In the spirit of better promoting strong habits in punctuality among all of our students, we are updating our tardy-to-school policy.  Moving forward, students who have been excessively tardy to school in semester 1 (ex. more than 10% of the time) will receive a friendly reminder text message in the morning to encourage a timely arrival to school.  In the event that they are late to school, they will serve a lunch detention. Families – we ask for your collaboration in ensuring your children arrive to school by 8:10am each day, and more generally, in cultivating healthy professional habits, which will serve them well in college and in future careers.
  1. Photos from Last Week’s College Trips! – All Unity High School students were invited to  visit colleges on the Friday prior to mid-winter break as part of their College and Career Readiness (CCR) course.  Freshmen visited Lehman College or Brooklyn College, sophomores visited St. Joseph’s College, Columbia University, or Barnard College, and juniors visited Trinity College or Manhattanville College.  During each of these visits, students evaluated each school’s academic offerings as well as the student culture and financial accessibility. Thank you to Mr. Gonzalez, Ms. Rubinoff, Ms. Sackman, and Ms. Eason for making the experiences possible.  Enjoy the photos below!

  1. Reminder!  Career Day at Unity High on April 12th – We’d be Honored to Have you in Attendance! – Unity High will host its Third Annual Career Fair on Friday, April 12th.  During this networking event, students will visit several different adults and inquire about the adults’ work, their professional backgrounds, and ask for tips/advice regarding entering the adults’ career field.  We are now actively recruiting adults from the range of career fields. We hope to have at least fifty adults from a range of career fields including, but not limited to: design (graphic design, animation, architecture), science (biology/marine biology, chemists), visual arts, self-employed entrepreneurs, law enforcement, medicine/healthcare, law, private business, performing arts, and humanities-related careers.  Should you or anyone in your network be interested in participating in the Career Fair, please complete the Unity Prep Career Fair Interest Survey.  Contact Mr. Gonzalez, Unity High’s Director of College & Career Readiness at egonzalez@unityprep.org or (347) 439-2634 with questions.  
  1. Reminder!  Support Your Child’s Study Skills at Home – It is never too late to help your child in developing their study skills!  Here is a helpful article that details how you can support your child in studying at home. Simply browse over the article and take part in those recommendations that you feel are most important to you and your child. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s co-advisors and/or teachers directly for course-specific study tips.

Bonus: Students vs. Faculty Hoops Game at the Barclays Center! – Thank you to everyone who came out to cheer on both teams during Sunday’s game.  Congrats to the students for their come-from-behind victory. And thank you Mr. Coleman and Mr. Martinez for organizing the event.  Enjoy the photo!

Resources for Families:

We look forward to having a strong week before enjoying some time off next week!


Best regards,

Mr. Beauregard


The Unity Scoop at 432! Week of February 26th

Good morning, families of Unity Junior High!

I hope that you and your family enjoyed the wonderful break.  I want to begin today’s note by thanking our families that supported their children in keeping their academic skills strong by helping them complete their mid-winter break homework assignments.  Such practice goes a long way in helping students retain and strengthen important skills from which to continue building.

It feels great to be back in school this week to reunite with everyone to resume in our all important work.  With the month of March almost upon us, we are moving into the spring season, which is a busy and exciting time of year.  We look forward to continuing to partner with you to create the best educational experience possible for your child.

In this week’s edition of The 432 Scoop, I bring to you 8 important announcements plus a bonus coming from our faculty and high-school scholar athletes.


This Week’s Top 8:

  1. Students Workshops in Honor of Black History – All of our students took part in workshops of their choice on the Wednesday morning before the break. Workshops centered on honoring black history – workshop titles included Strength is Not Always Seen, I am Beautiful and I am Strong, Coloring Colorism – Speak Your Truth, and more. Thank you to Mr. Guerrero, Ms. McRae, and others for organizing.  Enjoy the photos below!


  1. Support our Student Recruitment Efforts! – We kindly ask that all of our families take no more than five minutes to visit GreatSchools.org or our Google page to share with others what you appreciate about Unity and why you are proud to send your child to Unity. Simply click HERE to access our Google page or HERE to go directly to the site to provide a review. Thanks in advance – it means a lot to us and goes a long way in ensuring our long-term success in connecting with amazing families like you!
  1. Black History Month Living Wax Museum Tomorrow, February 27th, from 8:30am-12:30pm! – We welcome families to visit this year’s Living Wax Museum, where costumed students will be acting as famous historical figures. The festivity will take place in our auditorium. Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.org or (347) 460-7173.  Hope to see you there! 
  1. Family Movie Night at Unity this Thursday, February 28th at 5pm! – Come out with the family to enjoy the brilliant and inspiring film, Hidden Figures, in our auditorium. Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.org or (347) 460-7173.
  1. Reminder! Our Next Open Houses for Prospective New Middle School Students are on Wednesday, March 20th at 6pm and on Saturday, March 23rd at 10am – We encourage our current families to invite other families whose child is entering middle school next year. Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.org or (347) 460-7173. 
  1. A Shout-out to Families who Attended Last Week’s Coffee with our Co-Principals – Mr. Burns and Ms. Roy Gaines thank all families who participated in last week’s coffee talk. We look forward to continuing in our good work during next month’s coffee talk. For those who have yet to attend a session, we encourage your participation and engagement!
  2. Reminder! Career Day at Unity High on April 12th – We’d be Honored to Have you in Attendance! – Unity High will host its Third Annual Career Fair on Friday, April 12th. During this networking event, students will meet with a number of adults and inquire about their work, professional background, and ask for tips/advice regarding entering their specific career field.  We are now actively recruiting adults from a range of career fields.  We hope to have at least fifty adults from a variety of career fields including, but not limited to: design (graphic design, animation, architecture), science (biology/marine biology, chemists), visual arts, self-employed entrepreneurs, law enforcement, medicine/healthcare, law, private business, performing arts, and humanities-related careers.  Should you or anyone in your network be interested in participating in the Career Fair, please complete the Unity Prep Career Fair Interest Survey.  Contact Mr. Gonzalez, Unity High’s Director of College & Career Readiness at egonzalez@unityprep.org or (347) 439-2634 with questions.
  3. Reminder! Support Your Child’s Study Skills at Home – It is never too late to help your child in developing their study skills! Here is a helpful article that details how you can support your child in studying at home. Simply browse over the article and take part in those recommendations that you feel are most important to you and your child. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s co-advisors and/or teachers directly for course-specific study tips.

Bonus: Students vs. Faculty Hoops Game at the Barclays Center! – Thank you to everyone who came out to cheer on both teams during Sunday’s game.  Congrats to the students for their come-from-behind victory.  And thank you Mr. Coleman and Mr. Martinez for organizing the event.  Enjoy the photo!

Resources for Families:


Best regards,

Mr. Beauregard


March Board of Trustees Meeting

Please see below for a public notice of meeting of the Board of Trustees of Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn.




Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 7:00pm. Members of the public may attend the meeting at the following locations:

584 Driggs Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11211


1750 N Bayshore Drive

Miami, FL 33132


387 Park Ave South

New York, NY 10016


25 Murray St, Apt 10B

New York, NY 10009

The Unity Scoop at 584! Week of February 4th

Good day, families of Unity High!

It feels great to be living in a slightly warmer New York City this week.  As I have said before, we are in this together and I want to thank all of our families for ensuring that your children were bundled up appropriately to make their way to school without a hitch.  It was business as usual at Unity.  If your child did happen to miss school last week due to the frigid temperatures, please connect with your child’s advisors and/or teachers to collect and complete any outstanding assignments.

We officially kicked off the second semester last week. This week is about continuing to get off to a strong start!

In this week’s edition of the 584 Scoop, I bring to you 10 important announcements.

This Week’s Top 10:

  1. We do have school tomorrow, Tuesday, February 5th! While the DOE schools are off tomorrow, we do have a regular school day tomorrow as indicated in our calendar.


  1. Semester 1 Final Grades are Now Live on Jupiter – Please log in and check your child’s final grades at this time. Note that yearlong course credit will be determined by the average of Semester 1 and Semester 2 grades. Students with a 70% or higher average will earn credit towards graduation requirements.


  1. Black History Month Film Day: Wednesday, February 6th, 4:40pm! We are kicking off our Black History Month celebration with a field trip to see If Beale Street Could Talk at Williamsburg Cinemas this Wednesday at 4:40pm. Students who are interested in attending should pick up and return permission slips to Ms. Alteon (9th Grade), Ms. Cirelli (10th Grade) or Mr. Lazar (11th Grade).

Permission slips and $8.50 will be due on Wednesday 2/6 no later than 8am.


  1. Our Next Open House for New Middle School Students is Tomorrow: Tuesday, February 5th at 10am – We are holding open houses for prospective families who are interested in learning more about about our middle school on the morning of February 5th and evening of March 20th (see exact times below). We encourage our current families to invite other families whose child is entering middle school next year. Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.org or (347) 460-7173.
  1. Hoops Double-header at the Stuy Dome on Wednesday, February 13th! – Show your Panther spirit by taking in two basketball games as well as performances by our step and cheering teams! The address of our home away from home – the Stuy Dome – as well as the tip-off times of both games are listed below:


Brooklyn Stuy Dome

312 Kosciuszko St, Brooklyn, NY 11221

JV – 4:00pm

Varsity – 5:00pm


  1. Tea on Valentine’s Day with Our Principals: Thursday, February 14th, 6pm – Ms. Fuller and Ms. Yun look forward to continuing their collaboration with you next Thursday. For those who have yet to attend a session, we welcome your participation and engagement as we prepare for a very busy spring season!


  1. Round 2 of our February College Tours, Friday, February 15th! – Unity High students will visit 12 colleges in February as a part of our College and Career Readiness program! During the visits, students will have an opportunity to experience a bit of the college life, meet college students and professors, learn about specific college programs and courses of study, and evaluate whether the colleges offer a promising fit. Students will visit the following colleges and universities: Villanova University, St. Thomas Aquinas College, Manhattanville College, Trinity College, Lincoln University, Barnard College, Columbia University, Quinnipiac University, Kingsborough College, Lehman College, Brooklyn College, and St. Francis College.  Signed permission forms are due by Monday, February 11th – students should see their CCR counselor if they need a permission form.


On a related note, Unity High’s National Honor Society is currently raising funds for additional college tours this coming spring and summer.  Visit their Gofundme page here!


  1. Reminder! Career Day at Unity High on April 12th – We’d be Honored to Have you in Attendance! – Unity High will host its Third Annual Career Fair on Friday, April 12th. During this networking event, students will visit several different adults and inquire about the adults’ work, their professional backgrounds, and ask for tips/advice regarding entering the adults’ career field.  We are now actively recruiting adults from the range of career fields.  We hope to have at least fifty adults from a range of career fields including, but not limited to: design (graphic design, animation, architecture), science (biology/marine biology, chemists), visual arts, self-employed entrepreneurs, law enforcement, medicine/healthcare, law, private business, performing arts, and humanities-related careers.  Should you or anyone in your network be interested in participating in the Career Fair, please complete the Unity Prep Career Fair Interest Survey.  Contact Mr. Gonzalez, Unity High’s Director of College & Career Readiness at egonzalez@unityprep.org or (347) 439-2634 with questions.


  1. Reminder! Immediate Change in our Cell Phone Policy – Students have been assigned a Yondr case that they take home every day. Students are responsible for bringing the case to school each day. If they do not have their Yondr case, their cell phone will be turned in for the day and be returned during dismissal. Students are personally responsible for keeping their assigned case in good working condition. If it is discovered that a case is broken, a replacement fee of $25 will be issued to the student’s account. Contact Ms. Yun, Co-Principal, (gyun@unityprep.org) if you have any questions.


  1. Reminder! Free Study Sessions for AP Students through AP for All – Families of students enrolled in AP courses, please see this list below of available study sessions that your student may attend through our partnership with AP for All. Students have the opportunity to work with skilled AP teachers and college professors and meet other AP students from throughout the city. These workshops are a great way to give your scholar a leg up on AP exams.  Unity students who attended a recent study session for AP Environmental Science had a blast.  Please encourage your child to sign up, and reach out to Ms. Duphiney (mduphiney@unityprep.org) if you have any further questions!


Course Location Number of seats Registration link
AP Environmental Science Bronx – Mott Haven Educational Campus

730 Concourse Village West, Bronx, NY

95 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-science-history-bronx-tickets-49693468502
AP U.S. History Bronx – Mott Haven Educational Campus

730 Concourse Village West, Bronx, NY

131 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-science-history-bronx-tickets-49693468502
AP English Literature Brooklyn – Prospect Educational Campus

883 Classon Ave, Brooklyn, NY

41 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-english-spanish-language-brooklyn-tickets-49693376226



Resources for Families:


Have a terrific week, Unity!


Best regards,

Mr. Beauregard


The Unity Scoop at 432! Week of February 4th

Good day, families of Unity Junior High!

It feels great to be living in a slightly warmer New York City this week.  As I have said before, we are in this together and I want to thank all of our families for ensuring that your children were bundled up appropriately to make their way to school on Thursday and Friday of last week without a hitch.  It was business as usual at Unity.  If your child did happen to miss school last week due to the frigid temperatures, please connect with your child’s advisors and/or teachers to collect and complete any outstanding assignments.

We conclude our mid-year assessments with mathematics this week – students will be testing on Tuesday and Wednesday.  As mentioned last week, in partnering with you to provide the best support for your child, we ask that you check in with your child about what they are learning in math, show encouragement and excitement for the concepts they are learning, and help your child develop their independent study skills at home (see the article below). Finally, like any other day of school, we ask that you ensure that your child arrives to school on time, in uniform, and well-nourished from a healthy breakfast.

In this week’s edition of the 432 Scoop, I bring to you 7 important announcements.

This Week’s Top 8:

1. We do have school tomorrow, Tuesday, February 5th!  While DOE schools are off tomorrow, we do have a regular school day tomorrow, as indicated on our calendar.

2. Support Your Child at Home in Preparing for their Mathematics Interim Assessments this Week – We conclude interim assessments this week with students showing off what they have learned in their mathematics classes.  It is never too late to help your child in developing their study skills!  Here is a helpful article that details how you can support your child in studying at home so that they are performing at their very best on these exams.  Simply browse over the article and take part in those recommendations that you feel are most important to you and your child. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s co-advisors and/or teachers directly for course-specific study tips.

3. Students Workshops in Honor of Black History, Wednesday, February 13th – All of our students will take part in workshops of their choice on the morning of Wednesday, 2/13.  Workshops center on honoring black history – workshop titles include Strength is Not Always Seen, I am Beautiful and I am Strong, Coloring Colorism – Speak Your Truth, and more.  Please contact Mr. Guerrero, 7th Grade Dean of Students, with questions at aguerrero@unityprep.org or (718) 455-5046.

4. Spend the Morning of Valentine’s Day at Coffee With The Principals on Thursday, February 14th at 8:30am – Mr. Burns and Mrs. Roy Gaines look forward to continuing their collaboration with you in just a few weeks.  For those who have yet to attend a session, there is no better way to spend your morning than with your child’s co-principals talking about all things Unity and your child’s education.  We welcome your participation and engagement as we prepare for a very busy spring season!

5. Two Field Trips Next Week, Friday, February 15th! – First, our 8th grade students will visit the New York Aquarium to view the “Ocean Wonders: Sharks” exhibit. Signed permission slips are due by February 8th. Contact Ms. Shebroe, Grade Level Leader of the 8th Grade, at lshebroe@unityprep.org or (718) 455-5046. Chaperones are welcome.

Second, Unity’s small group advisories will visit Clearpool to go snowshoeing, sledding, and maple-sugaring. Signed permission forms are by Wednesday, 2/6, at latest. Contact Ms. Conner with questions at lconner@unityprep.org or (718) 455-5046.

6. Support our Recruitment Efforts by Spreading the Good Word! – We kindly ask that all of our families take no more than five minutes to visit GreatSchools.org or our Google page to share with others what you appreciate about Unity and why you are proud to send your child to Unity.  Simply click HERE to access our Google page or HERE to go directly to the site to provide a review.  Thanks in advance – it means a lot to us and goes a long way in ensuring our long-term success in connecting with amazing families like you!

7. Reminder!  Our Next Open House for Prospective New Students is Tuesday, February 5th at 10am – We are holding open houses for prospective new families on the morning of February 5th and evening of March 20th (see exact times below).  We encourage our current families to invite other families whose child is entering middle school next year.  Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.org or (347) 460-7173.

  • Tuesday, February 5th at 10:00am
  • Wednesday, March 20th at 6:00pm

8. Reminder!  Career Day at Unity High on April 12th – We’d be Honored to Have you in Attendance! – Unity High will host its Third Annual Career Fair on Friday, April 12th.  During this networking event, students will meet with a number of adults and inquire about their work, professional background, and ask for tips/advice regarding entering their specific career field.  We are now actively recruiting adults from a range of career fields.  We hope to have at least fifty adults from a variety of career fields including, but not limited to: design (graphic design, animation, architecture), science (biology/marine biology, chemists), visual arts, self-employed entrepreneurs, law enforcement, medicine/healthcare, law, private business, performing arts, and humanities-related careers.  Should you or anyone in your network be interested in participating in the Career Fair, please complete the Unity Prep Career Fair Interest Survey.  Contact Mr. Gonzalez, Unity High’s Director of College & Career Readiness at egonzalez@unityprep.org or (347) 439-2634 with questions.


Resources for Families:


Wishing the entire Unity community a terrific week!


Best regards,

Mr. Beauregard




Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, at 7:00 pm. Members of the public may attend the meeting at the following locations:

584 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211