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2019-20 Student Recruitment Help!

With the 2019-20 school year lottery fast approaching this spring, we are seeking family members who can help us by recruiting and welcoming Unity’s next cohort of rising sixth grade students! Ms. Hefney is holding a meeting for parents and caregivers who are interested in helping us connect with prospective sixth grade families for the 2019-20 school year:

2019-20 Student Recruitment Help Meeting

Thursday, January 24th at 6:00pm

432 Monroe Street

Light refreshments will be served. If you are interested in participating, please RSVP by contacting Ms. Hefney at fhefney@unityprep.org or (347) 460-7173.

The Unity Scoop at 584! Week of January 14th

Good morning, families of Unity High!


I hope that the week is treating you well despite the frigid temperatures outside. Know that we are in this together!


I’m going to jump right into it today with 6 important announcements in this week’s edition of the Scoop.



This Week’s Top 6:


Semester Finals this Coming Week! We are excited to conclude our first semester of the 2018-19 school by having our students show off all that they have learned thus far this year!  In general, all students will have one exam per day in the morning or afternoon from Tuesday to Friday of this coming week.  In some cases, students may have two exams on a single day over the course of the week.


Students should arrive to school at the following times depending their individual exam schedules each day:

Note that students will receive individualized exam schedules today.  Review review the schedule with your child and contact your child’s co-advisors and/or academic counselor with questions.


Tips for Helping Your Child Prepare for Final Exams – It is never too late to help your child in developing her/his study skills!  Here is a helpful article that details how you can support your child in studying at home so that she/he is performing at her/his very best on her/his final exams.  Simply browse over the article and take part in those recommendations that you feel are most important to you and your child. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s co-advisors and/or teachers directly for course-specific study tips.


Reminder!  Make-up Conference Appointments – Please Schedule ASAP!– For families who were unable to attend conferences in December, please contact one of the child’s co-advisors as soon as possible to schedule a separate appointment to discuss your child’s academic progress over the first trimester of school.  We expect to meet with 100% of our families so that we are best supporting our students in collaboration with families – the stronger the collaboration, the better!  Contact Ms. Rivera of our main office (718-682-3725 or crivera@unityprep.org) if you need contact information for your child’s co-advisors.


Reminder!  Immediate Change in our Cell Phone Policy– Students have been assigned a Yondr case that they take home every day. Students are responsible for bringing the case to school each day. If they do not have their Yondr case, their cell phone will be turned in for the day and be returned during dismissal. Students are personally responsible for keeping their assigned case in good working condition. If it is discovered that a case is broken, a replacement fee of $25 will be issued to the student’s account.  Contact Ms. Yun, Co-Principal, (gyun@unityprep.org) if you have any questions.


Reminder!Free Study Sessions for AP Students through AP for All – Families of students enrolled in AP courses, please see this list of available study sessions that your student may attend through our partnership with AP for All. Students have the opportunity to work with skilled AP teachers and college professors and to meet other AP students from throughout the city.  These workshops are a great way to give your scholar a leg up on AP exams.  Unity students who attended a recent study session for AP Environmental Science had a blast.  Please encourage your child to sign up, and reach out to Ms. Duphiney (mduphiney@unityprep.org) if you have any further questions!


Course Location Number of seats Registration link
AP Environmental Science Bronx – Mott Haven Educational Campus
730 Concourse Village West, Bronx, NY
95 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-science-history-bronx-tickets-49693468502
AP U.S. History Bronx – Mott Haven Educational Campus
730 Concourse Village West, Bronx, NY
131 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-science-history-bronx-tickets-49693468502
AP English Literature Brooklyn – Prospect Educational Campus
883 Classon Ave, Brooklyn, NY
41 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-english-spanish-language-brooklyn-tickets-49693376226



Resources for Families:



Wishing you a terrific tail-end of the week and a warm and festive long weekend in honor of MLK Jr.!



Joshua M. Beauregard

Head of School & Co-founder

Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn

(718) 682-3725


The Unity Scoop at 432! Week of January 14th

Good day, families of Unity Junior High!


I hope that the week is treating you well despite the frigid temperatures outside. Know that we are in this together!


I’m going to jump right into it today with 7 important announcements in this week’s edition of the Scoop.


This Week’s Top 7:


  1. Congrats to our Students on Completing their ELA Mock Exams Today – Families, please provide a big congrats and a hug to your child for putting in 100% effort on their ELA mock exams and for showing off all that they have learned over the course of the year thus far as young readers and writers!


  1. Calendar Clarification, January 18th is a Full Day of School – An earlier version of our school calendar had listed this coming Friday as a half day of school.  We, in fact, have a full day of the school on the 18th.  See an up-to-date version of the calendar attached.  Our apologies for the oversight.


  1. Congrats to our Students of the Month for December!– A big shout-out to our talented and hard-working Students of the Month for December – we are proud of you!


6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

  1. Help in Recruiting and Welcoming in New Students and Families!– With the 2019-20 school year lottery fast approaching this spring, we are seeking family members who can help us in recruiting and welcoming in Unity’s next cohort of rising sixth grade students. Please reach out to Ms. Hefney at fhefney@unityprep.orgor by calling (347) 460-7173 if you are interested in helping. Applicants for next school year can now apply online at https://unityprep.schoolmint.net/.


  1. Have Coffee with Our Co-Principals Tomorrow Morning, January 17th at 8:30am– Mr. Burns and Mrs. Roy Gaines look forward to continuing their collaboration with you during tomorrow morning’s coffee talk.  For those who have yet to attend a session, we welcome your participation and engagement!


  1. Open House for Prospective New Students, January 16th at 6pm – We are holding an open house for prospective new families this evening at 6pm in room 305 of our middle school.  We encourage our current families to invite other families whose child is entering middle school next year.  Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.orgor (347) 460-7173.  In addition to tonight’s session, we are also holding open houses on the following dates and times:

Resources for Families:

Have a wonderful second half of the week, Unity!


In unity,

Joshua M. Beauregard

Head of School & Co-founder

Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn

(718) 682-3725

The Unity Scoop at 432! Week of January 7th

Happy New Year, families of Unity Junior High!

I hope that the holiday break was “as good as it gets” for you and yours and that 2019 is off to a magnificent start!

I want to begin this morning’s Scoop by thanking wholeheartedly all of our families for supporting your kids with the additional academic practice assigned to them over the holiday break. By having students engage in some additional practice while on break, our aim is to have students’ minds and skills be as sharp as can be as they enter the New Year. Again, we thank you for supporting our efforts here.

In returning from the break, it is important that we, Unity staff and families, are oriented and on the same page regarding where we are and where we are going.  As of today, we are presently just shy of the midpoint of the school year. We are coming off of family conferences in which we had very productive conversations and are now a few weeks into the second trimester with state exams in the not-so-distant future. On behalf of our staff and faculty, we are excited to roll up our sleeves with you in best supporting your children in experiencing an exceptional education at Unity.

In this week’s edition of the Scoop, I bring to your attention 6 important announcements plus a bonus. My apologies in advance for the barrage of photos – the end of December was a special time for Unity and I couldn’t help myself from sharing!

This Week’s Top 6:

Congrats to our Students with Perfect Attendance in December!– A big shout-out to our Unity scholars with perfect attendance in the month of December.  We look forward to seeing even more names on the list for January!

Students with Perfect Attendance for December
6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade
Natalie D Braian L Kevin J
Bryan M Frildaly H Aaron J
Nataliya M Keiko J Luzmarlin M
Jamal S Cuba M N Syriah P
Preston W Elijah O Jasmine S
Daejah D Diabe T Jason P
Jazzmine H Ayanna T
Skyla E Aby-gayle M
Abdoulaye K Jr Mekhi M
Jayde S Mary M
Vadarai S Dominique P
Junaydah H


Next Opportunity to Have Coffee with Our Co-Principals, January 17th at 8:30am– Mr. Burns and Mrs. Roy Gaines look forward to continuing their collaboration with you during next week’s coffee talk on Thursday, January 17th at 8:30am.  For those who have yet to attend a session, we welcome your participation and engagement!

Thank you for attending Unity Middle School’s Family Holiday Party!– The affair was festive and we are grateful to all families who participated.   A special thanks goes to those who volunteered a delicious holiday dish!  Enjoy the photos below!

We Concluded Love Your Neighbor Month with a Community Service Bang!– On December 21st, our final day of school in the eventful year of 2018, 100% of our students and staff had the opportunity to take action in the spirit of positively impacting our community.  Students and staff volunteered with great number of exceptional non-profit organizations, including Homes for the Homeless, Campaign Against Hunger, City Meals on Wheels, Neighbors Together, Life-force in Later Years, and Glamour Gals to name a few.  Indeed, it was a special affair.  A huge shout-out goes to Ms. Conner who organized much of the day and partnerships.  Again, enjoy the photos!  Moreover, be mighty proud, Unity!

Thank You for Making Unity Middle School’s Toiletry Drive such a Success! – Due to our collective efforts, six large bins of toiletries, socks, and undergarments went to Trinity Place Shelter and Ali Forney, two youth homeless shelters located in New York City.  Thank you for making the Drive so successful – a special shout-out to our families who reached our to their neighbors, friends, and family to donate!

Last Call! Make-up Conference Appointments – Please Schedule ASAP! – For families who were unable to attend conferences in December, please contact one of the child’s two advisors as soon as possible to schedule a separate appointment to discuss your child’s academic progress over the first trimester of school.  We expect to meet with 100% of our families so that we are best supporting our students in collaboration with families – the stronger the collaboration, the better!  Contact Ms. Rivera of our main office (718-455-5046 or jrivera@unityprep.org) if you need contact information for your child’s co-advisors.

Bonus: High School Students Lead the Way in Roundtables 2018-19! – While Roundtable presentations at the middle school occur in June, we did have a number of high school present their Roundtable in December.  Roundtable presentations are slightly different in theme at the high school but many of the essential features are still very prominent, including a formal oral presentation to a small audience and the active participation of family members and staff members.  We look forward to our sixth annual Roundtable presentations at the middle school this spring – expect more information on the school-wide event that culminates each school year in the coming months!


Resources for Families:

MS January calendar, including our athletics schedule

2018-19 MS Academic Calendar (official calendar as established at the beginning of the year)

2018-19 MS Student & Family Handbook

Unity Pledge

Jupiter (for your child’s grades) – you can also log in by visiting our website and clicking on the Jupiter Ed icon on the top right corner of our homepage.

Wishing you a terrific second half of the week!


In unity,

Joshua M. Beauregard

Head of School & Co-founder

Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn

(718) 682-3725


The Unity Scoop at 584! Week of January 7th

Happy New Year, families of Unity High!


I hope that the holiday break was “as good as it gets” for you and yours and that 2019 is off to a magnificent start!


I want to begin this morning’s Scoop by thanking wholeheartedly all of our families for supporting your kids with the additional academic practice assigned to them over the holiday break. By having students engage in some additional practice while on break, our aim is to have students’ minds and skills be as sharp as can be as they enter the New Year. Again, we thank you for supporting our efforts here.


In returning from the break, it is important that we, Unity staff and families, are oriented and on the same page regarding where we are and where we are going.  As of today, we are presently just shy of the midpoint of the school year. We are coming off of family conferences in which we had very productive conversations and are now a few weeks into the second trimester with state exams in the not-so-distant future. On behalf of our staff and faculty, we are excited to roll up our sleeves with you in best supporting your children in experiencing an exceptional education at Unity.


In this week’s edition of the Scoop, I bring to your attention 7 important announcements.

This Week’s Top 7:


  1. A Shout-out to our Select 9th Graders who Led the Way in Presenting their CCR Roundtable in December! – Approximately 30 students from Mrs. Easson’s College & Career Readiness class presented their aspirational resumes and reflections on their academic progress in high school thus far.  In preparing for these presentations, students completed research on various colleges, took career inventories, and spent time learning about their future careers.  Please join us in congratulating these students on completing their first high school Roundtable and in putting themselves on track to graduate from Unity with distinction.  See the photo below of current 9th grader, Josh L, Josh’s father, and Ms. Glickman, Josh’s College & Career Advisor following Josh’s impressive presentation.


  1. Make-up Conference Appointments – Please Schedule ASAP!– For families who were unable to attend conferences in December, please contact one of the child’s two advisors as soon as possible to schedule a separate appointment to discuss your child’s academic progress over the first trimester of school.  We expect to meet with 100% of our families so that we are best supporting our students in collaboration with families – the stronger the collaboration, the better!  Contact Ms. Rivera of our main office (718-682-3725 or crivera@unityprep.org) if you need contact information for your child’s co-advisors.


  1. Seven Unity 11th Graders Earned Full College Credits at CUNY City Tech this Past Semester!– We are excited to report that seven students, who comprise Unity’s first group to participate in our College Now partnership with City Tech, all earned grades of at least a B, while some earned an A in actual college courses they selected and completed this fall semester.  This group, as well as other students who meet the high academic standards required to apply, will have the option of applying to enroll in additional college courses and earn even more credits.  Be proud, Unity!


  1. Immediate Change in our Cell Phone Policy – Beginning this week, students will be assigned a Yondr case that they will take home every day. Students will be responsible for bringing the case to school each day. If they do not have their Yondr case, their cell phone will be turned in for the day and be returned during dismissal. Students will be personally responsible for keeping their assigned case in good working condition. If it is discovered that a case is broken, a replacement fee of $25 will be issued to the student’s account.  Contact Ms. Yun (gyun@unityprep.org) if you have any questions.


  1. Join our Co-Principals for Tea this Thursday, January 10th– Ms. Fuller and Ms. Yun thank all families who participated in last week’s meeting over tea.  We look forward to continuing in our good work during next month’s meeting on January 10th at 6pm.  For those who have yet to attend a session, we encourage your participation and engagement!


  1. Reminder!  Free Study Sessions for AP Students through AP for All– Families of students enrolled in AP courses, please see this list of available study sessions that your student may attend through our partnership with AP for All. Students have the opportunity to work with skilled AP teachers and college professors and to meet other AP students from throughout the city.  These workshops are a great way to give your scholar a leg up on AP exams.  Unity students who attended a recent study session for AP Environmental Science had a blast.  Please encourage your child to sign up, and reach out to Ms. Duphiney (mduphiney@unityprep.org) if you have any further questions!


Course Location Number of seats Registration link
AP Environmental Science Bronx – Mott Haven Educational Campus
730 Concourse Village West, Bronx, NY
95 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-science-history-bronx-tickets-49693468502
AP U.S. History Bronx – Mott Haven Educational Campus
730 Concourse Village West, Bronx, NY
131 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-science-history-bronx-tickets-49693468502
AP English Literature Brooklyn – Prospect Educational Campus
883 Classon Ave, Brooklyn, NY
41 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sss-2018-2019-nyc-ap-for-all-sss-1-english-spanish-language-brooklyn-tickets-49693376226


  1. Reporting Back on the 9th Grade’s Community Service Initiative!– On Friday, December 21st, Unity High’s 9th graders participated in community service opportunities to to kick off the holiday break. Students visited multiple locations, like Repair the World, where students will learn how to canvas and spread awareness on important issues impacting communities.  See the photo below of several students who participated in a writing workshop in which students read poetry written by incarcerated teens and provided positive feedback.

Resources for Families:


Wishing you a terrific second half of the week!



Joshua M. Beauregard

Head of School & Co-founder

Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn

(718) 682-3725

Picture Day is Coming on October 12th!

Order before Picture Day at mylifetouch.com with code: OV148170Q0

Our Cheerleaders are on News 12 Brooklyn!

Click here to watch our cheerleaders on News 12 Brooklyn!




Communication Folder, 11/21

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

☐  1. Communication Folder Signature Page (must be signed by a parent or guardian)

☐  2. History Debate Invite, 11/21

☐  3. Coffee with the Co-principals Invite, 11/30

☐  4. Food Drive, Extended until 12/8

☐  5. Weekly Scholarship & Citizenship Report (yellow paper)

If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.

*Students will be dismissed at 3:30pm on Tuesday, November 22nd, Monday, November 28th, Tuesday, November 29th, and Thursday, December 1st. School is closed on Wednesday, November 23rd – Friday, November 25th.

*Family Conferences are Wednesday, December 7th (2:30-5:30pm) and Thursday, December 8th (5-8pm). Attendance is mandatory.

Week at Glance

Monday, November 21st @ 4:30-6pm: Basketball Tryouts

Monday, November 21st @ 6-7:30pm: History Debate

Tuesday, November 22nd: End of Trimester I

Tuesday, November 22nd @ 3:30pm: Early Dismissal


Best Regards,

Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns


Communication Folder, 9/19

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

 1. Communication Folder Signature Page

 2. 2016 NYS Exam Result Letters

 3. FCPA Family Day Flyer

 4. Scholarship and Citizenship Weekly Report

If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.


Best Regards,

Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns


Communication Folder, 9/12/2016

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

 1. Communication Folder Signature Page

 2. Curriculum Night Reminder- Wednesday, September 14th

 3. Water Testing Update

 4. Lunch Application

 5. Scholarship Weekly Report

If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.

Best Regards,

Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns
