Communication Folder, 3/28/2016
This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:
☐ 1. Communication Folder Signature Page
☐ 2. April 2016 Calendar
☐ 3. Scholarship and Citizenship Weekly Report (Yellow Paper)
Parent surveys were distributed during conferences. This survey, which is in a green envelope, provides you with the opportunity to share important information about how Unity can improve your child’s education. Please complete and mail the survey using the postage-paid, addressed envelope provided with the survey.
Week At Glance
Tuesday, March 29th @ 4:15-5:15pm: Math Tutoring
Wednesday, March 30th: IEP Meetings
Thursday, March 31st @ 4:15-5:15pm: Math Tutoring
Thursday, March 31st, 6-8pm: Unity Open House
Friday, April 1st @ 5:00pm: 2016-2017 Applications Due
Friday, April 1st @ 6:30pm: Boys Basketball City Semi-Finals
Saturday, April 2nd @ 2:30pm: Boys Basketball City Finals
Early Dismissal and School Closing this Week
School will dismiss at 3:15pm on Tuesday, November 24th. Unity is closed on Wednesday, November 25th through Friday, November 27th. We hope you have wonderful Thanksgiving.
Communication Folder, 11/9/2015
This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:
☐ 1. Communication Folder Signature Page
☐ 2. Scholarship & Citizenship Weekly Report (Yellow Paper)
☐ 3. Perfect Attendance List For September and October
☐ 4. DOE High School Reminder Letter for 8th Graders
If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.
Best Regards,
Joshua Beauregard
Head of School
School is Open on 9/23 & 9/24 and closed on 9/25
Unity is open on Wednesday, 9/23 and Thursday, 9/24. School is closed for students on Friday, September 25th.
Open House, Saturday, 02/08
Please join us this Saturday for our next Open House event. Prospective 6th graders for the 2014-2015 school year are invited to join us from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Families will be able to tour the school, meet the founders and current students, and gain an understanding of Unity’s core values.
The Open House flyer can be downloaded in English or Spanish.
Unity News: Volume 1, Issue 1
Our first issue of Unity News is now out. Please click here to download a copy.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our Students of the Month!