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Communication Folder, 10/17/2016

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

 1. Communication Folder Signature Page (must be signed by a parent or guardian)

 2. Immunization Exclusion Letter, if applicable

 3. Weekly Scholarship & Citizenship Report (yellow paper)

If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.


Week at Glance

Monday, October 17th @ 4pm: Girls Soccer vs MAT (Verizon Stadium, 171 Cherry St.)

Monday, October 17th @ 4:30pm: Wrestling Match vs Boys Excellence Charter School (225 Patchen Ave)

Tuesday, October 18th @ 4pm: Boys Soccer vs QTL (Columbus, 67 Mulberry St.)

Tuesday, October 18th @ 5:15pm: Girls Volleyball vs  Community Roots (Community Roots, 50 Navy Street)

Tuesday, October 18th @ 6pm:  Girls Volleyball vs  Kings Collegiate (Community Roots, 50 Navy Street)

Wednesday, October 19th: Heritage Day Potluck

Wednesday, October 19th @ 4:15pm: Girls Volleyball vs BPCS (3002 Fort Hamilton Parkway)

Saturday, October 22nd @ 2:30-4pm: Wrestling: Beat the Streets Tournament (Bayard Rustin, 351 West 18th Ave.)


Best Regards,


Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns
