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Communication Folder, 10/6


This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

☐  1. Communication Folder Signature Page (must be signed by a parent or guardian)

☐  2. October 2016 Calendar

☐  3. Latin American Heritage Month Flyer

☐  4. Family, Community & Parent Association (FCPA) Call for Participation Letter

☐  5. Health Education Workshop Consent Form  (8th Grade Only)

☐  6. Weekly Scholarship & Citizenship Report (yellow paper or check Jupiter)

If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.

Week at Glance

Wednesday, October 5th: Latin Heritage Door Decorating

Wednesday, October 5th @ 4:00pm: Boys Soccer vs Baker (171 Cherry Street.)

Friday, October 7th @ 3:30pm – 4:30pm: Kick It Event

Saturday, October 8th @ 11:00am: Flag Football vs Brooklyn Ascend (1251 Prospect Pl.)

Best Regards,

Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns


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