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Communication Folder, 12/14/2015

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

☐  1. Communication Folder Signature Page

☐  2.Trimester I Stars: High Honors, Honors, Superlatives

☐  3. Parental Consent Opt Out Form

☐  4. Unity High School Letter of Intent (8th Grade)

☐  5. Scholarship & Citizenship Weekly Report (Yellow Paper)

  • Dismissal on Friday, December 18th is at 1:05PM.
  • All students will have homework during the holiday break. 6th grade students will have homework for ELA,  Math, and History.  7th  and 8th grade students will have homework for ELA, Math, History, Science and Art Design (7) or Technology (8).
  • School is closed for students on 12/21 – 1/4 . School will resume on January 5th.

Best Regards,

Joshua Beauregard

Head of School

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