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Communication Folder, 5/16/2016

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

☐  1.  Communication Folder Signature Page

☐  2. Changes to Meningococcal Immunization Requirements for the 2016-2017 School Year

☐  3. “ The Mask You Live In” Film Screening Invitation– Thursday, May 19th at 5:30pm

☐  4. Spring Picture Day  (8th Grade Cap & Gown Make-up Day)

☐  5. NYPD Summer Youth Academy (Application)

☐  6. Children’s Academy at LIU Brooklyn

☐  7. College for Teens: Kingsborough Community College

☐  8. Creative Achievement Success (CAS) 2016 Scholarship Program

☐  9. College for Kids: Kingsborough Community College Continuing Education

☐  10. Bridge Street Development Corporation’s Flower Bed Stuy Certificate of Recognition (Flower Bed Stuy Participants)

☐  11. April Students of the Month and Perfect Attendance Certificates

☐  12. Scholarship and Citizenship Weekly Report (Yellow Paper)

Week At Glance

Monday, May 16th – Friday, May 20th: Spirit Week

Wednesday, May 18th: 8th grade dues; 2nd Installment  of $50 due to Ms.Charles

Wednesday, May 18th @ 4:00pm: Girls Softball vs Mott Hall

Thursday, May 19th @ 4pm: Girls Softball vs IS 318 (Roberto Clemente Field)

Thursday, May 19th @ 5:30pm: “ The Mask You Live In” Film Screening

Best Regards,

Joshua Beauregard

Head of School



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