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Unity Preparatory partners with St. Nicks Alliance to bring quality after-school support to our students. St. Nicks Alliance serves more than 3,000 young people from elementary through high school each year with a seamless continuum of comprehensive services that target the developmental needs of youth as they grow.

We seek to positively influence school attendance and attachment, enthusiasm for learning, social-emotional skills and academic and employment self-efficacy. By building steady progress in these areas, we equip young people to graduate from high school and acquire the essential skills for post-secondary success.

We work in close partnership with public schools, NYCHA housing developments, community-based organizations and our strategic partners School Settlement Association and Small World Child Care to holistically support young people and their families.

For questions, please contact Luis Rodriguez at Lrodriguez@stnicksalliance.org.

No Re-entry for Afterschool
Parents, please remember that if students are supposed to be in afterschool for the day, they cannot leave the building and return. If a student leaves the building, we will not be able to allow them into after-school that day. Any questions or concerns, send an email to Lrodriguez@stnicksalliance.org

Director: Luis Rodriguez