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Enrichment Clubs

In addition to clubs in the performing arts, students also have the option of engaging in a range of other elective clubs including robotics, student government, art & design, and young journalists.  The school’s elective clubs are generally based on student interest.  Beyond the offerings listed, groups of students are encouraged to develop new clubs based on their interest and formally proposing their ideas and plans to school leadership.

These after-school elective courses provide ample opportunities for students to explore their interests and passions in a diverse array of areas while also giving students the opportunity to develop and realize their talents over the long-term through intensive study and practice. Clubs, which are required and graded pass/fail based on full participation, meet three days weekly for one period. Many of our clubs are offered in collaboration with local institutions. Before each trimester begins, students rank their elective preferences based on their level of interest. Attempts are then made to ensure that students take part in one of their top three choices. Clubs are co- facilitated by a Unity Prep teacher and an expert from the partnering institution or from the community. Students have the option of participating in the same activity for multiple trimesters if they wish in order to continue to advance their skills in the given activity. All elective clubs include the following features:

  • Exhibiting choice and independence: students making choices about what activities they would like to learn and how they will devote their energies
  • Interactions with experts: students being supported by and working under the direction of an expert from a local organization and/or an expert from the community
  • Learning alongside teachers: teachers supporting the club expert while actively participating as learners and modeling their own skills for students in the given club
  • Opportunities for both experimentation and long-term study: students exploring new interests and courses as well as students engaging in an activity over multiple trimesters
  • Performing/demonstrating: students, at the conclusion of each trimester, demonstrating their learning through activities and services that add value to the learning of others