
Internships & Mentoring

Unity Prep students are required to take part in an internship or job shadow. These opportunities help prepare students to enter either their chosen college or career with a clearer picture of their future. Generally, internships and job shadow programs will take place on Friday afternoons.

During her/his time at a host site, the student intern will conduct research on the host organization and facilitate two interviews of host organization staff. Students will also present an overview of their experience after completing their onsite work to an audience of classmates, teachers, community members, family, and members of the organization. Please note that Unity interns are self-directed. There will be no need to develop a project for the intern or actively manage that person.

Key Program Details:

During internships and job shadows, Unity students will:

Complete a self-directed research project regarding the host organization’s work,
Interview at least two people at the host organization, and
Complete pre- and post- internship/job shadow self- assessments.

There are four ways to participate in Unity’s college and career readiness program:

1) Host an intern
Internships would take place on six consecutive Friday afternoons (barring holidays) during the fall, spring, and summer. Students will be self-directed, so there will be no need to develop a project for the intern or manage that person. Students will conduct research on the host organization and facilitate two interviews of host organization staff during their time with the host organization.

2) Host a job shadow participant
Job shadows would take place on two Friday afternoons during the fall, spring, and summer. Students will be self-directed, so there will be no need for the host site to develop a project for the intern or manage that person. Students will conduct research on the host organization and facilitate two interviews of host organization staff during their time with the host organization.

3) Participate in a “chat and chew” session
This spring, we will host a session during which adults share lunch with a small group of students, discuss the work they do, and field questions from the students.

4) Participate in Unity’s Annual Career Fair
Also this spring, Unity will host its second annual career fair, during which adult participants would have the opportunity to speak with students about the work they do and field questions from students. During this event, students will visit several different adults and inquire about the adults’ current work, their professional background, and ask for tips/advice re: entering the adults’ career field.

Important Dates:
There are three internship cycles – cycle 1, cycle 2, and cycle 3. Start and end dates for each cycle are below.
– Cycle 1: Students will report to their host sites for cycle 1 beginning December 1st, 2017. The end date for the cycle 1 internship is February 9, 2018.

– Cycle 2: Students will report to their host sites for cycle 2 beginning March 2nd, 2018. The end date for the cycle 2 internship is May 18, 2018.

– Cycle 3: Students will report to their host sites for cycle 3 beginning July 13th, 2018. The end date for the cycle 3 internship is August 17, 2018.

Contact Information:

Please express your interest in any of these options for participation by submitting your information here: http://tinyurl.com/Unity-CCR-event-survey
If you have questions, please contact Eric Gonzalez (egonzalez@unityprep.org).