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Community Partnerships

Unity is currently establishing formal partnerships with multiple community institutions to enrich the educational experiences of our students. Such partnerships include:


  • The Brooklyn Museum will partner with Unity in creating an after-school Young Curators and/or Young Artists club, which will meet three days a week during the school year as outlined the Museum’s letter of support.
  • Brooklyn Music School will provide exceptional music teachers and curriculum and offer instruction in four instruments to Unity students as an after-school music club.
  • Pratt Institute’s Department of Education may support Unity in designing curricula for our Design & Technology course and afternoon elective club in Art & Design. Moreover, Pratt’s undergraduate and/or graduate students may assist Unity faculty in the facilitation of the course and club.
  • Long Island University (LIU) will provide opportunities for promising graduate students/aspiring teachers to serve as teaching assistants and tutors.  They will also host Unity upperclassmen on campus for college-related events and programs as well as offer opportunities for upperclassmen to take college-level courses at LIU.
  • YES! For Schools will provide instructors in the Youth Empowerment Seminar and will also conduct professional development for Unity’s teachers.