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The Unity Scoop at 432! Week of January 14th

Good day, families of Unity Junior High!


I hope that the week is treating you well despite the frigid temperatures outside. Know that we are in this together!


I’m going to jump right into it today with 7 important announcements in this week’s edition of the Scoop.


This Week’s Top 7:


  1. Congrats to our Students on Completing their ELA Mock Exams Today – Families, please provide a big congrats and a hug to your child for putting in 100% effort on their ELA mock exams and for showing off all that they have learned over the course of the year thus far as young readers and writers!


  1. Calendar Clarification, January 18th is a Full Day of School – An earlier version of our school calendar had listed this coming Friday as a half day of school.  We, in fact, have a full day of the school on the 18th.  See an up-to-date version of the calendar attached.  Our apologies for the oversight.


  1. Congrats to our Students of the Month for December!– A big shout-out to our talented and hard-working Students of the Month for December – we are proud of you!


6th Grade

  • Scholarship: Tawrey Norman and Jasmine Joseph Philip
  • Citizenship: Jonah Brown

7th Grade

  • Scholarship: Cuba Nixon
  • Citizenship: Ariel Adams

8th Grade

  • Scholarship: Angelina Baez
  • Citizenship: Phillip Hayes
  1. Help in Recruiting and Welcoming in New Students and Families!– With the 2019-20 school year lottery fast approaching this spring, we are seeking family members who can help us in recruiting and welcoming in Unity’s next cohort of rising sixth grade students. Please reach out to Ms. Hefney at fhefney@unityprep.orgor by calling (347) 460-7173 if you are interested in helping. Applicants for next school year can now apply online at https://unityprep.schoolmint.net/.


  1. Have Coffee with Our Co-Principals Tomorrow Morning, January 17th at 8:30am– Mr. Burns and Mrs. Roy Gaines look forward to continuing their collaboration with you during tomorrow morning’s coffee talk.  For those who have yet to attend a session, we welcome your participation and engagement!


  1. Open House for Prospective New Students, January 16th at 6pm – We are holding an open house for prospective new families this evening at 6pm in room 305 of our middle school.  We encourage our current families to invite other families whose child is entering middle school next year.  Contact Ms. Hefney with questions at fhefney@unityprep.orgor (347) 460-7173.  In addition to tonight’s session, we are also holding open houses on the following dates and times:
  • Tuesday, February 5th at 10:00am
  • Wednesday, March 20th at 6:00pm

Resources for Families:

Have a wonderful second half of the week, Unity!


In unity,

Joshua M. Beauregard

Head of School & Co-founder

Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn

(718) 682-3725

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