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The Unity Scoop – July 31

Dear Families of Unity,

On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, I hope that the first half of summer has treated you and your loved ones well.

The month of July represents a sacred time each year to spend time with loved ones, engage in meaningful personal adventures, and recharge the mind and body. It provides time for our educators to appreciate and reflect on the past school year, as well as plan forward for the coming year, and all that we want to achieve in collaboration with you.

In addition, July also represents an opportunity to provide invaluable service to our students beyond the regular school year, through customized small-group interventions during Summer Academy.

Our school leaders recently returned to school from a much deserved vacation to resume planning and preparation for the coming school year.  As we near our twelfth year as a school, we are excited to put our best foot forward in building on our prior successes in making the 2024-25 school year our strongest year yet!

In this edition of The Unity Scoop, I bring to you a number of updates, initiatives, and resources both at Unity and beyond.  We also highlight our heartfelt graduation ceremonies from June.

The next edition of the Scoop will be disseminated during the week of August 23rd.

Best summer wishes,


Josh Beauregard

Head of School / Co-founder


Updates as of July 31, 2024:

New – 2024-25 School Calendar of Key Events and Vacations for Families: Calendars for the 2024-25 school year are now ready to share.  Note that we have two versions this year – one version for our middle school (grades 6-8) and another version for our high school (grades 9-12).


Updated – Summer Assignment Information: Here are the descriptions for summer assignments for students by grade level:

  • Grades 6-8: Summer assignments for all rising 7th-8th grade middle school students were distributed during Roundtable presentations. Digital copies were also sent via email to all incoming 6th graders.  If you are a new family in need of assignments for this summer, please reach out to Mr. Beckford.
  • Grades 9-12: Students who are mandated to retake Regents examinations will receive summer prep work directions by August 7th.  Some summer school classes may have homework. There are no full-grade summer assignments.


New – AP scores from the 2023-24 school year are now available!: Students who completed their AP exams in May can sign into their College Board accounts and use this website to obtain their scores.  In addition, students can also see notes on the scoring here.  Course selections for the 2024-25 school year, including AP courses, will be finalized in late August.  Congratulations to all of our students who earned college credit based on their scores!  More generally, congratulations to all of our students who experienced an AP course this year!


New – August Hours of Operation: Here is information on our hours of operation by site through August.  The main office of both sites will be open based on the following schedules:

  • 432 Monroe Street (grades 6-8): 718-455-5046
    • August 1st – August 9th
      • The building is closed due to facility renovations.  Contact help.ms@unityprep.org for all correspondence.
    • August 12th – August 31, 2024
      • 9:00am – 4:00pm, M-F
  • 584 Driggs Avenue (grades 9-12): 718-682-3725
    • August 1st – August 9th
      • The building is closed due to facility renovations.  Contact help.hs@unityprep.org for all correspondence.
    • August 12th – August 31st
      • 9:00am – 4:00pm, M-F


New – Guidance on School Supplies: Guidance on school supplies will be provided by the following dates:

  • Grades 6-8: August 21st
  • Grades 9-12: August 28th



New – Information and Guidance on Unity’s Dress Codes for the 2024-25 School Year: Unity’s dress codes by grade level are provided below.


New – Helping Your Child to Continue their Learning This Summer: The brief presentation, which was developed internally last year, is still relevant this year and provides valuable links to paid internships, volunteer opportunities and other things your child can do over the summer to promote critical thinking and learning during the months of July and August.  Click on the image below to see her presentation slides.


Updated – New Students for Fall 2024 – Unity middle school has a few seats available for rising 6th and 9th graders for the 202-25 school year. Finding the right middle school can be tough, and our current families (you!) are the best advocates. If you know of any interested families, please reach out to Mr. Beckford via email or cell (862-294-0219). For any families that refer a new family, both will be given a $100 Amazon gift card for school supplies.


Recap – Unity Celebrates our Graduates of the Class of 2024!:  We are so proud of our graduates and extremely excited about their college and career pursuits as Unity graduates.  A special congrats to the graduates featured below for their academic achievements.  Again, we are proud of you!


Recap –  Unity Celebrates our 8th Grade Graduates!: Congratulations to the families of our newest 8th grade graduates!  Wednesday’s ceremony was a warm and festive event, and I am so excited for our graduates as they continue their academic pursuits in high school.


Recap  Unity Middle’s End-of-Year Ceremony Honors our Students’ Many Achievements in 2023-24!: An abundance of students were celebrated for their achievements during Monday’s Awards Ceremony.  Congratulations to all recipients, including our Caregiver Award recipient!


Recap  Report Cards for all Unity Students for the Spring Term and Year:

  • Grades 6-8: Middle School report cards were distributed during Roundtables.  Report cards that were not picked up will be mailed out by July 1st, in addition to students’ summer assignment packets, and any awards students may have received.
  • Grades 9-12: Report card links will be sent out via email to families by June 28th.




Recap  Unity Celebrates the 5th-Year Anniversary for 11 Educators and 10-Year Anniversary for 6 Educators!: This past week, we honored nine Unity staff members who are celebrating their 5th year at Unity, along with two Unity staff members who are celebrating their 10th year at Unity.  As a young school, these teammates have contributed mightily to our programming, our curriculum, and most importantly, the learning experiences of our students.  They are pillars within our community and we thank them wholeheartedly to all that they have brought and continue to bring to our school.  Here they are – feel free to send them a note of congrats!


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