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The Unity Scoop – May 13

Dear Families of Unity,

I hope that the week has treated you and your loved ones well.

This edition of The Unity Scoop features: a review of recent events, a showcase of student accomplishments worthy of recognition, along with details on a number of exciting opportunities for students this spring and summer.

I hope that you are able to attend our student’s annual Unity Art Exhibit next Thursday evening (see the details below)!

I wish you a happy and healthy spring weekend!


Best regards,

Josh Beauregard

Head of School / Co-founder


Updates as of May 13, 2022:

1. Updated – May 2022 School-wide Calendar: For your family’s convenience, here is a schoolwide calendar of events for the month of May – print it out and throw it on the refrigerator door!  It is possible that events could change and new events could be added.  An up-to-date events calendar can always be accessed on our website.  Notable upcoming events include:

  • 5/17: 8th grade Regents mock exams in Earth Science
  • 5/19: 8th grade Regents mock exams in Algebra I
  • 5/19: Art Exhibit featuring our high school artists

2. New – Students and Teachers in Action this Week: We are thrilled to continue celebrating the hard work of our students as they engage in their learning each and every day.  This week, we spotlight our 8th grade readers and writers.  Ms. Driscoll keeps her passion unit Essential Questions posted front and center in her room, and giving students opportunities to share their perspectives after each key bend in the curriculum.

3. New – Kudos to our Students Who are Leading the Way in Demonstrating our Core Values!:  We are excited to promote and celebrate moments when our students are demonstrating our P.R.I.D.E. values: Progress, Respect for All, Integrity, Discovery, and Empathy.  Below, we recognize our P.R.I.D.E. leaders for each grade level.  Kudos to these students!  Keep it up!



Total Pride Shout-outs!

Nicholas T.



Ester P.



London K.



Kylee A.



Jason S.




Dacota P.



Sasha E.



Amiyah B.



Keilani T.



Tygene W.




Keianna M.



Triniece B.



Epiphany W.



Eliza C.



Sebastian C.



Alexis M.



Arayah B.



Miguel B.



Zariyah H.



Allan P.



Janniah R.



Ashley E.



Chase G.



Gelsey T.



Melani P.



Ashlee D.



Giuliano S.



Maiya M.



Mekhi H.



Marshay M.



Joel W.



Zariya M.



Sincere B.



John A.



Jasmin Q.



4. New – Unity High Art Exhibit to Showcase our Student’s Artistic Talents, Thursday, May 19th 5pm!:  Stop by The Living Gallery at 1094 Broadway in Brooklyn to appreciate student works inspired by art, everyday life, and social issues.  See the flier below for details!


5. New – Unity High Gears Up for Spring Spirit Week!: Mr. Lopez, Ms. Jaquez, and the entire community are excited to take part in our Spring Spirit Week beginning on May 23rd.  Spirited student of Unity High – begin planning as you peruse the fun themes of each day below!


6. New – Summer Enrichment to Return with New Offerings Starting July 11th!: Last summer, Unity scholars toured NYC, cooked new cuisines, participated in intramural sports, and much more. Summer Enrichment sign up information will be available June 1st. Please reach out to Ms. Olivier if you have any questions: aolivier@unityprep.org.  Enjoy the photo below of members of last summer’s rock climbing club as they take in views of the NYC skyline after a morning of climbing!


7. New – Athletics Spotlight The Unity Panthers Middle School Volleyball Team!: In this edition of the Scoop, Mr. Coleman would like to spotlight the student-athletes of our middle school volleyball team.  The team faced off against a team of Unity teachers and staff members this week.  It was a fun affair and we thank all of the fans and community members who came out to support the event!


8. New – Upcoming Events of Interest to Unity Families!:  Brought to you by Mr. Beckford, we are happy to highlight upcoming events across Brooklyn for our families.  Here are three!

  • Bklyn Indoor (and Outdoor) Block Party at City Point Brooklyn, Saturday, May 14th, 11-3pm: Brooklyn Bridge Parents will bring the party to Downtown Brooklyn at both City Point Shopping Center (indoors) and Albee Square (outdoors weather permitting) with free, fun activities for families with kids, ages 1 to 12! Bouncy house, Lego building, arts & crafts, live music, soccer games and the Brooklyn Library Kids Mobile at City Point at 445 Albee Square West and Albee Square outside. Registration here!
  • Terminal’s Family Fun Fest, Sunday, May 22nd, 12-10pm: Atlantic Terminal (139 Flatbush Avenue) is bringing Brooklyn together for an outdoor celebration with Brooklyn Bridge Parents!  Join for food, dance, arts & crafts, bouncy house, sports, giveaways & more! 15+ FREE kids activities. Kid-focused activities with retailers & local community partners will make for an afternoon full of fun!  Register here.
  • Free BAM DanceAfrica Outdoor Bazaar, Saturday, May 28th, 12-10pm: The nation’s largest festival of African and African American dance, music, and culture is back with this beloved annual event. DanceAfrica’s global marketplace of Black arts and crafts will take place on the Plaza, Lafayette Avenue, and Ashland Place (the plaza at 300 Ashland Place).  No registrations required.


9. Recap – Updates from Mr. Gonzalez and Unity High’s College & Career Readiness Team: This time of year is typically marked by excitement – college admissions and career-training programs usually notify students in the spring and families then get to make some big decisions.  Each week for the past few months, our students have received wonderful news about their college and career aspirations – they have been admitted to incredible schools and programs.  Please join us in celebrating the impressive resilience and strength of our young people.  It is truly inspirational.  Here are few other updates from Mr. Gonzalez:

  • College Application and Admissions Updates: As of April, members of our senior class have been admitted to the following colleges and universities with scholarships totalling over $400,000: CUNY Brooklyn College, CUNY Hunter College, CUNY Hostos Community College, CUNY Kingsborough Community College, CUNY Guttman Community College, CUNY LaGuardia Community College, CUNY College of Staten Island, CUNY John Jay College, CUNY City Tech, CUNY Queensborough Community College, CUNY Medgar Evers College, George Washington University, Skidmore College, SUNY Albany, SUNY Buffalo State College, SUNY Cortland, SUNY Fredonia, SUNY Oneonta, SUNY Plattsburgh, SUNY Purchase, SUNY Oswego, SUNY Brockport, SUNY Geneseo, SUNY University at Buffalo, SUNY Potsdam, SUNY New Paltz, Clark University, Dickinson College, Penn State University, St. Francis College, Spelman College, Marist College, Hampton University, Howard University, Hofstra University, Ithaca College, Long Island University, Temple University, Vassar College, and Quinnipiac University.
  • Unity High Celebrates College Signing Day in Style: On Friday, April 29th, Unity celebrated “College Signing Day”.  This tradition began by former First Lady Michelle Obama; it provides high schools the opportunity to honor seniors as they declare their postgraduate plans.  In our ceremony – which was the first time Unity has been able to hold this event because of the pandemic – the entire school community and families of our seniors, gathered in our gym.  Our culinary club cooked breakfast for seniors and their families.  As you can tell from the photos, the space was filled with excitement and pride.  Seniors each gave thanks to family members and staff who helped on their journey.  As each senior announced where she/he would attend college, the entire gym erupted in applause.  It was a beautiful event!

  • Co-op Tech Applications: NYC’s premier career-training program, Co-op Tech, has begin accepting applications for students who are interested in entering the building trades (carpenters, plumbers, HVAC, etc.), service industries (automotive repair, culinary arts, and cosmetology), IT (web design, computer networking, and advertising), and health careers (medical health careers, nurse assistants, and vision technology).  In addition to having top-notch programs, Co-op Tech is free!  Students who are interested in applying to Co-op Tech should make an appointment with Mr. Gonzalez immediately using this link.
  • Attention all Seniors: College Financial Aid Comparison Sheet: By now, you should have received financial aid packages from all the colleges that have accepted you. If you have not received aid packages yet, please see me immediately!  You have approximately two-three weeks to decide the college in which you will enroll. To help you make this decision, please use this Financial Aid Comparison Tool. Follow these instructions to use the tool, take the following three steps:
    1. Make a copy (“File -> Make a Copy”)
    2. Enter information for each financial aid package into the “Net Cost” sheet.
    3. Make an appointment with Mr. Gonzalez using this link.


10. Recap – Unity Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week!:  Earlier this month, our community showed gratitude to amazing educators.  Thank you to our families, students, and fellow staff for showing serious love to our teachers throughout the week!

11. Recap – Free Resources for Unity Families: Unity’s social work team is always looking for resources that may be helpful and of interest to our families.  Three such resources are provided below.  Reach out to Ms. Del PurgatorioUnity’s Director of Social Work, with questions.

  • New – DOE’s Beyond Access Series Presents Self-Regulation TechniquesThis workshop will provide parents, caregivers and students strategies for reducing stress and improving the ability to self-regulate, with simple routines and activities that reduce anxiety and reactivity and promote calm and happy students and families. Spanish and Mandarin interpretation available. Learn more and register here.
  • New – DOE’s Beyond Access Series Presents How to Access Supports for Students with Behavioral Challenges: This workshop covers the educational rights of students who face behavioral challenges in school, including different kinds of behavioral supports and interventions , along with the opportunity to share advocacy tips. Learn more and register here.
  • The Child Mind Institute offers great (free & remote) caregiver workshops on a seasonal basis!  Take a moment to visit their site and appreciate their offerings.
  • The recent events in Ukraine may be a source of stress and anxiety for some children.  Below are four resources that may be helpful for families:
  • Below are flyers for lists of low-cost dental providers in each borough: