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The Unity Scoop – May 21

Dear Families of Unity,

Happy Friday!  I hope the week has been good to you and your family.  Before jumping into the updates for this week, I want to offer a second round of shout-outs to our high school students who are in the process of completing their Advanced Placement (AP) exams this month.  We are so proud of our AP students and we are excited for them to be showing off all that they’ve learned!

In this edition of The Unity Scoop, I bring to you a new batch of updates, features, and upcoming events.  Also included are a number of recent updates that have been featured in past editions, worth taking in if you haven’t already.

Have a fabulous weekend!

In unity,


Josh Beauregard
Head of School / Co-founder

Updates as of May 21, 2021:

1. New – Showcasing the Academic Work of our High School Historians!: Over the course of this week and next, our high school history students are discussing, debating, performing, presenting, and showing off all their creativity, hard work and historical knowledge.  Our 9th grade historians, under the guidance of Mr. Pakter, were featured this past week; our 10th, 11th, and 12th grade historians will be showcasing their learning this coming week.  The descriptions, period, and Zoom link for what students will showcase in each of their history classes are offered below.  Feel free to visit a history class next week to support and give students love!

  • Ms. Valentin’s Global History II – 3rd & 6th Periods (Zoom): Global II will be presenting on different regions of the world in the Modern Age. Topics  covered include Decolonization, Imperialism, Modern vs. Traditional Culture, Current Events, and Life in the 21st Century.  Students will provide facts, showcase photos, and showcase their talents, interests or opinion in connection to the material (poem, raps, rhymes, songs, diary entry, video, etc.)
  • Mr. Perez’ US History – 2nd & 5th Periods (Zoom): The United States History students are excited to share their End of Year Showcase Assignment with you all! Students will choose their favorite unit of the year to present to their peers. They will summarize its major themes, events, and turning points in a creative visual presentation. They have the option of creating a PowerPoint, song, dance, or other words of written expression.  We are excited for you to all come, enjoy, and hopefully learn something new!
  • Ms. Reynold’s Government & Economics – 1st & 7th period Periods (Zoom): “Imagine that your second cousin twice removed passes away and leaves you an inheritance. You did not know this family member well, but their life’s goal was to make sure that your family had generation wealth to pass on for years and years to future generations. In order to gain your inheritance, you must make a presentation to estate lawyers proving you are responsible enough to receive your money.”  Students will be showcasing their PowerPoint and explaining the actions they would take if they inherited $1,000,000.

2. New – NYC School Survey for Caregivers: Unity families encouraged to take the NYC School Survey, which is due on June 11th. The survey helps school leaders understand what key members of their school community think about the learning environment at their school. The information captured by the survey is designed to support a dialogue among all members of the school community about how to make the school a better place to learn. We appreciate your feedback!

  • Click the link below to take the survey. Families should enter “f” followed by their child’s nine-digit Student Identification (OSIS) Number to access the survey. Note that “f” must be lowercase. Families can find their child’s Student Identification Number on their report card or in Jupiter. If you can’t find your student’s ID number, you are welcome to reach out to Mr. Doscher at 347-746-1575 via text message.
  • Click here to complete survey
  • After completing the survey, text a screenshot to Mr. Doscher at 347-746-1575 for a chance to win a $50 amazon gift card!

3. New – College Information for Students and Families of Unity High School: See the updates below from our College & Career Readiness Team!

  • Summer Programs and Jobs – Students!  Please contact your academic counselor to learn about summer programs and jobs!  Dozens of organizations and some companies have reached out to Unity to offer opportunities to students – please make an appointment with your academic counselor to hear about these opportunities and apply!
  • Celebrate The Seniors! – So far, 80% of the Class of 2021 has committed to a college or career training program for next year!  Despite the pandemic, remote learning, and all of the other challenges presented by this year, the senior class has persevered.  We are so proud of the resilience this class has demonstrated – please join us in celebrating them!
  • Financial Aid Workshops – Beginning June 1st, SUNY will host Financial Aid Events for the Class of 2021. Students and parents/caregivers can attend a FAFSA Completion Workshop in English or Spanish.
  • Health Sciences Information Session – On May 26th, a Health Sciences Information Session will be held for juniors. In this workshop, SUNY will provide an overview of health and wellness majors at SUNY, followed by a summary of professional programs that include dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, and more.

4. New – Cooking with P.R.I.D.E. at Unity High: On Friday, May 28th, Unity High School students have an opportunity to participate in a free cooking lesson under the guidance of guest culinary experts, Allergic to Salad. Join classmates in learning how to prepare a delicious gourmet lunch! RSVP now via Jupiter.  For more information, reach out to Mr. Lopez or Ms. Jaquez.  HEALTH SAFETY NOTE: Each cooking class will have a maximum number of students set forth by social distancing guidelines. Students will be required to wear a mask at all times while indoors and submit to a health safety screening upon entry to our school. 

5. New – End-of-Year Trip for Unity High Students!: On Friday June 11th, Unity High students have the opportunity to have fun with classmates at Boundless Adventure Aerial Park in Purchase, NY. Activities include completing low ropes courses, high ropes courses, and air obstacle courses.  Participating students will travel to the park by bus, enjoy a catered lunch, and bond with classmates one last time before the school year ends.  RSVP now via Jupiter. For more information, reach out to Mr. Lopez or Ms. Jaquez.  HEALTH SAFETY NOTE: While on the coach bus, each student will have their own seat as set forth by social distancing guidelines & Department of Education regulation. Students will be required to wear a mask at all times while on the bus and submit to a health safety screening upon entry to the bus.

6. New – COVID-19 Vaccines: Currently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized three COVID-19 vaccines: the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccines. The vaccine can prevent COVID-19 symptoms and severe COVID-19 illness. People 12 and older are eligible for the vaccine. Those who are fully vaccinated can more safely gather with friends and enjoy other benefits of vaccination. Many vaccination sites in the city no longer require appointments.

7. Recap – The Celebration Continues: We Salute the Recent Accomplishments of our Middle School Students: It is with pride and joy that we celebrate the recent successes of so many of our middle school students.  Congratulations to each and every student featured below – we are proud of you!

6th Grade


Student of the Week: Math (Shah-Taylor)

Troy S

Student of the Week: Math (Gibson)

Brooklyn M

Student of the Week: ELA (Springer)

Jewel B

Student of the Week: ELA (Anderson & Pickings)

Jeremiah D & Joshua V

Student of the Week: Science (LaPlaca)

Tyena G

Student of the Week: Science (Diaz)

Dorian H

7th Grade


Student of the Week: Enrichment (Warlick)

Francis A

Student of the Week: Math (Louirentus)

Derrick J

Student of the Week: Math (Shaw)

Elijah M

Student of the Week: ELA (Stagliano)

James M

Student of the Week: ELA (Ayoub)

Trinece B

Student of the Week: ELA (Knuckle)

Trinece B

Student of the Week: Science (McPherson)

Charmaine J

Student of the Week: Science (Teixeira)

Imanni S

Student of the Week: History (Pierce)

Jaiden C

8th Grade


Student of the Week: Math (Saint-Louis)

Zuri T

Student of the Week: Math (Devieux)

Ajani D

Student of the Week: Math (Shebroe)

Connor S

Student of the Week: ELA (Bourdierd)

Jordan R

Student of the Week: ELA (Driscoll)

Jermiah S

Student of the Week: Science (Bond)

Jeremiah S

Student of the Week: Science (Teixeira)

Ryan I

Intervention Awards


Intervention Awards (Reinmann)

Sasha E

8. Recap – A New Submission to our Middle School Spring Showcase!: Learn from Unity sixth grader, Rhondell, as he demonstrates a new and valuable skill learned this year – calculating a percentage as applied to calculating the total cost of eating out at a restaurant.  Impressive work, Rhondell – your presentation is super clear and easy to follow.  Here’s the clip!

9. Recap – Working Papers for HS Students During Remote Learning: We know many students will be applying for the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) or Ladders For Leaders in the coming weeks.  In order to do so, students may wish to obtain their working papers.  The process for obtaining working papers during remote learning is as follows:

1.  Parent/guardian completes section I of this form:  http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/AT17-0320Fillable.pdf

(Form can be typed directly into and saved.)

2.  Email the form to Ms. Kim: ykim@unityprep.org.

3.  Ms. Kim must also see the student’s birth certificate and a completed physical from the student’s doctor dated within one year OR a letter from the doctor stating the student is physically fit to work also dated within one year.  These documents can be emailed to ykim@unityprep.org OR a Zoom call can be scheduled where the documents can be presented.

4.  After these steps are complete, the working papers will be mailed to your home.

If there are any questions about this process, please email Ms. Kim at ykim@unityprep.org.

Relevant Information from Past Editions of The Scoop:

Unity’s School Calendar for Families through the End of June 2021: In the spirit of providing you with the information you need to best support your child with school at home, here are our updated middle and high school calendars through June 2021.

Requests for a Laptop and Support with Technology or Internet Access: Unity will provide a laptop to all students who need one.  If you still need a Unity laptop OR do not have internet access at home, please complete the following form: https://bit.ly/Unitylaptops.  After completing this form, somebody from the school will reach out to you. Our goal is for 100% of students to have access to the technology they need to fully engage in their studies.

Creating the Perfect Workspace for your Child at Home: Virtual learning can be challenging, but with a welcoming, comfortable learning environment, students are more likely to engage fully in their studies without distraction. Here are three simple best practices to turn a corner of your home into a workspace:

  • Find a spot that has lighting: whether it’s natural sunlight from a window or light from an overhead lamp, it’s important that your workspace has enough light so that your student won’t need to strain to see.
  • Make sure the table and chair are comfortable: working while sitting in a chair at a table increases productivity and focus, but it’s just as crucial that students are comfortable, since they’ll likely be sitting for long periods of time.
  • Ensure that the workspace is free of distractions, noise, and clutter: games, toys, phones, laptops – they’re all fun, but they can be distracting to students while they try to learn. Therefore, the workspace should be spacious, quiet, clean, and clear of distractions.

For additional tips on making an ideal, remote workspace for your child, check out this guide and these suggestions.

Free Breakfast & Lunch are available for Students – Any student has access to free meals a day at more than 400 Meal Hubs across the city.  More details, including a search tool, is available by clicking here.

Helpful Guidance on Obtaining the Perfect Book for Your Child – With the Unity Library closed for the time being, our public libraries in Brooklyn offer a vast majority of their books and resources online.  Additionally, many private companies are stepping up and offering their services for free.  Check out this helpful guide to gain access to ebooks or audiobooks from the Brooklyn Public Library.  In addition, see the list of resources below:

  • Do you have dyslexia, blindness, cerebral palsy, or other reading barriers? Access Bookshare’s free online ebooks.
  • Are you an English Language Learner (ELL) and interested in practicing your English? Are you looking to learn a new language? Rosetta Stone is being offered free for three months to all students.
  • Are you finding it difficult to spend all day looking at a computer screen? Download BeeLine reader for free, which uses color gradients to make reading just a little bit easier.
  • Worried that by spending so much time alone your vocabulary is growing more and more limited by the day? Dictionary.com has free daily activities such as puzzles, quizzes, and a word of the day to keep your vocabulary skills sharp.
  • Want to practice your reading and thinking skills? Scholastic has a remote learning program where you can play games and participate in activities.
  • Try using Newsela, which is an online news-as-literacy platform that features high-interest articles on everything from current events to myths and legends and from literature to science. Follow this link to create an account.
  • Audible is offering free audio books for students. Click here to access a huge selection of audiobooks.

Resources Regarding Unemployment Due to COVID-19 – NYC has developed a list of resources for those who may be unemployed due to COVID-19 or are seeking additional assistance. The website will be updated frequently and includes information on employment/unemployment, food assistance, financial assistance, rent arrears, health and medical assistance, and so forth.

Income Inquiry & Housing Status Form!  We are asking for your help by completing the questions on the form below so we can best assist you and your family during this school year. Your participation in completing this form allows Unity to receive grant money from the state and federal government. The information will be kept confidential.

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